| MIL-T-l8232B(AS)
TANK FILLER CAP SECURITY. - Filler caps installed under access
doors shall be so arranged that the access door cannot be
completely closed if the cap is not in place, or in place but not secured.
oil screen of number 10 mesh, or equivalent, shall be pro-
vided in the oil tank for screening only the service oil. The screen shall have
sufficient capacity to permit servicing the oil tank in 2 minutes, except that
the rate need not exceed 20 gallons per minute, using the oil specified for normal
use with the engine, at a servicing oil temperature Of 15C. (59F)
FILLER UNIT SCREEN (TURBO ENGINE). -A filler unit screen
shall be provided and shall be as approved by NAVAIR.
REMOTE FILLING PROVISIONS. - Remote filling shall be provided
as needed and shall be as approved by NAVAIR. The service
and the overflow lines shall be of different diameter and shall be designed such
that mismating of these lines with other aircraft lines cannot occur.
OIL TANK INSTALLATION. - When a separate oil tank is required}
it shall be located as near the oil pump as possible, but
shall not be located in any compartment where it is subjected to high temperature
(see MIL-C-8678 for temperature requirements) and shall conform with the require-
ments of either MIL-T-5779 or MIL-T-6396. The bottom of the oil tank shall be as
high above the level of the oil pump as practicable. If the engine oil pump is
above the mean normal capacity level of the tank with the vehicle in its normal
static position, an oil booster pump or other suitable means (subject to NAVAIR
approval) shall provide a positive head of oil to the engine-driven pump. Oil
tanks shall be supported in fireproof cradles or other fireproof means for dis-
tributing the weight throughout the entire tank structure. Oil tanks, except
integral structures, shall be so installed that they may be removed or replaced
with minimum disassembly of the vehicle structure. Aluminum, bladder, or self-
sealing tank construction shall be protected as necessary to provide fire
resistance equivalent to 0.012 inch corrosion-resistant steel construction.
STANDARD PARTS. - Standard parts (MS or AN) shall be used
wherever they are suitable for the purpose, and shall be
identified on the drawing by their part number. Non-standard parts maybe used
where the standard parts will not fulfill the design objectives because of size,
weight or performance.
THREADS. - Only straight threads conforming to Specification
MIL-S-7742, National Fine Thread Series, class 3 (NF3) or
Unified Thread Series, classes 3A or 3B shall. be used.
OIL COOLERS. - Oil coolers for reciprocating-engine targets
shall be in accordance with Drawing MS29591 or MS29590 meet-
ing the requirements of Specification MIL-C-5637. Oil coolers for turbo-engine
targets shall conform with the requirements of Specification MIL-C-5637 as
applicable to the range of performance of the particular target. Elliptical and
round oil coolers shall be in accordance with Drawing MS29591 and MS29590,
respectively, while coolers of other shapes shall be subject to specific approval
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