| MIL-T-18232B(AS)
SHALL BE PROVIDED. - The expression "shall be provided''- means
that the item or equipment is to be furnished and installed
by the contractor.
SHALL BE INSTALLED. - The expression "shall be installed"
means that the item or equipment is to be furnished by the
Government and installed by the contractor.
NOT INCLUDED IN NORMAL WEIGHT. - The expression "not included
in normal weight" means that the items or equipment are not
intended for installation on missions for which the target is designed. The
weight of such. items or equipment is not included in weight empty, mission load
or special equipment, and hence does not influence the basic structural or aero-
dynamic design of the target. However, supports for such items or equipment shall
possess strength consistent with the special conditions under which the item or
equipment will be carried.
UNUSABLE FUEL. - "Unsable fuel" iS defined as the total fuel
that is unavailable to the engine under the conditions
specified in Specification MIL-F-17874 for normal flight and landing conditions
and includes "trapped fuel".
UNUSABLE OIL. - "Unusable oil" is defined as the total oil
that is unavailable to the engine and other auxiliaries
serviced by the engine oil tanks under the conditions specified in
and includes "trapped oil".
NON-STRUCTURAL. - Non-structural parts or components are
those which are not depended upon and not considered by
stress analysis to carry structural loadse
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