| ![]() (a) longitudinal (axial)
(b) Perpendicular and transverse to (a)
(c) mutually perpendicular to (a) and (b)
3.2 Environmental conditions. - The torpedo is required to operate
during exposure to some of the environments described here. The torpedo
is also required to perform in its operating state after exposure to addi-
tional environments described here. Selection of the torpedo condition for
each environmental requirement is dependent upon the particular torpedo
design and shall be indicated in the individual specification.
Vibration Torpedo non-operating. ready non-operating or ready. - The
torpedo shall be capable of performing according to the individual specifi-
cation after being subjected to vibrations of 3g over the frequency range
10 to 100 cps for time periods and at temperatures as specified in
in the non-operating ready non-operating, and ready conditions. These vi-
brations may occur in any direction. Torpedo operating - The torpedo shall be capable of perform-
ing according to the individual specification when subjected to vibrations,
as defined in of lg over the frequency range of 20 to 150 cps,
These vibrations my occur in any direction.
3.2.2 Shock Torpedo non-operating. ready non-operating or ready (trans-
portation. - The torpedo shall be capable of performing according to the
individual specification after being subjected to repeated shock pulses, as
specified in of (a) 60g peak magnitude, not less than 8 ms dur-
ation, and with a pulse shape approximating a one-half sine wave, or (b)
test procedures as outlined In MIL-S-901 for medium-weight equipment; this
equipment generates shocks which, in general, produce conditions enabling
the torpedo to withstand natural service environments, but are not faithful
reproduction of service shock a torpedo will encounter. Torpedo ready, or operating - The torpedo shall be capable
of performing according to the individual specification during or after
experiencing the applicable water-entry shock as listed below and as speci-
fled in
(a) Submerged tube launching - no additional shock requirement.
(b) Deck launching - 60g peak magnitude. not less than 8 ms pulse
duration and approximating a one-half sine wave pulse.
(c) Air-borne launching with external attachment such as parachutes,
nose coverings, etc. - 150g peak magnitude, not less than 8 ms
pulse duration, and approximating a one-half sine wave pulse.
(d) Air-borne launching without external attachments - 250g peak
magnitude , not less than 8 ms pulse duration, and approximating
a one-half sine wave pulse.
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