| ![]() (a) Torpedo, assembled and sealed, exposed at dockside for sixty (60)
days in the non-operating and ready non-operating condition.
(b) Torpedo, assembled and sealed in the ready non-operating condition,
immersed in the see daily for eighteen (18) hours, and removed
daily for six (6) hours, for thirty (30) days. No fresh-water rinse
shall be permitted.
(c) Torpedo, assembled but open to the salt-laden atmosphere, exposed
at dockside for ten (10) days in the ready non-operating condition.
3.3 Combinations and sequences. - Tests shall be performed in the com-
binations and sequences specified in 4.2 for each test group. Test groups
may be interchanged when specified in the individual specification.
3.4 Test pe rformance. - Tests conducted to the conditions of this speci-
fication shall be accomplished by activities designated by the Bureau of
3.4.1 Review and approval. - The test plan, the instruments and facilities,
the test methods, the data and test results and its handling and interpre-
tation, and the report schedule shall be subject to review by the Bureau of
Ordnance or an activity designated by the Bureau of Ordnance.
3.5 Life. - The individual specification shall require the following:
Storage life
Operational readiness life
(c )
Operating life
Conditions affecting a, b, c
Overhaul or replacements permitted
4.1 Performance criteria. - Prior and subsequent, or during, as appro-
priate, to any of the tests specified here the torpedo shall be checked to
determine if its performance is satisfactory. Satisfactory performance shall
be determined by specific measurements with tolerances as defined in the
individual specification.
4.2 Test sequence. - Tests shall be performed according to the sequence
listed within the test groups described In table I. Test groups may be inter-
changed in the order of testing. Teat groups listed in table I are designed
to cover the environments In general within which the torpedo must operate in
its various conditions. However, the individual specification shall detail
the sequence dictated by its design objectives.
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