| ![]() MIL-T-18404(NOrd)
4.4.4 .2.2.2 surface launched. - The torpedo shall be placed In a test
chamber whose temperature shall be lowered to
and maintained at
this temperature for a period of 48 hours 5 hours. At the end of this test
period the torpedo, while still at the test temperature of
shall be .
perfomance checked. Submarine launched. - The torpedo shall be placed In a test
chamber whose temperature shall
lowered to
and maintained tit
this temperature for a period of 48 hours
5 hours. At the end of this test
shall be
period the torpedo, while still at the test temperature of
performance checked. High temperature tests. Ready non-operating, ready, or ope
The torpedo shall
be placed within a teat chamber whose temperature
raised to
and maintained at this temperature-for a period of 48 hours
5 hours.
At the end of this test period the torpedo, while still at the test temperature
of +130F., shall be placed in the appropriate torpedo condition and performance
4.4.5 Pressure test procedures. Altitude. - The torpedo shall be placed In a test chamber and the
pressure reduced to 1.7 psia 0.2 psia for a minimum period of 15 minutes. Submarine launched. - The torpedo shall be subject to a pressure
1 psia and 15 psia
1 psia at a rate of 6 cycles per
Cycle between 10 psia
minute for a minimum period of 30 minutes. Pressure. - The torpedo shall be subjected to external pressure
as required in for a minimum time period of 30 minutes. The tolerance
on the pressure values shall be 5 percent.
4.4.6 Sunlight (radiation), torpe do non-ope rating or ready non-ope rating.
The torpedo shall be placed within a test chamber and subjected to radiant
energy at the rate of 100 to 140 watts per square foot. Forty-five (45) to
fifty-five (55) percent of the total energy shall be in wave lengths above
8,OOO angstrom units and 8 to 12 percent in wave lengths below 4,000 angstrom
units. The test chamber temperature shall be maintained at 113F.
5 hours. At the end of this test period
during the course of the test, 48
the torpedo shall be allowed to cool to room temperature and then perfomance
4.4.7 Sand and dust test, non-operating, or ready non-operating. - The
torpedo shall be placed within a test chamber, with all external cover plates,
dust covers, etc. in place and the sand and dust density raised and maintained
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