| ![]() MIL-T-18404 (NOrd) Torpedo ready non-operating.
4 . Simulated sea atmosphere. - A laboratoy salt-c!pray test may
be performed to supplement the above tests. Apparatus. - Apparatus used in the salt spray test shall
include the following:
(a) Exposure chamber with racks for supporting the torpedo.
(b) Salt-solution reservoir.
( c) Means for atomizing salt solution. including suitable nozzles and
compressed air supply.
(d) Chamber heating means and control.
(e) Means for humidifyin the air at a temperature above the chamber
4.4. 9.2.1 2 Chamber. - The chamber and all accessories shall be made
of material which will not affect the corrosiveness of the fog, such as
glass, hard rubber , plastic or wood other than plywood. In addition, all
parts which come in contact with the torpedo shall be of materials that
will not cause electrolytic corrossion. The chamber and accessories shall
be so constructed and arranged that there is no direct impinging of the
spray or dripping of the condensate on the torpedo, that the spray circulates
freely about all parts, and that no liquid which has come in contact with the
torpedo returns to the salt-solution reservoir. 1.3 Atomizers. - The atomizers used shall be of such design
and construction as to produce a finely divided, wet, dense fog. Air supply - The compressed air entering the atomizers shall
be free from all impurities such as oil and dirt. Means shall be provided
to humidity and warm the compressed air as required to meet the operating
conditions. The air pressure shall be suitable to produce a finely divided,
dense fog with the atomizer or atomizers used. To insure against clogging
the atomizers by salt deposition, the air should have a relative himidity of
at least 85 percent at the point of release from the nozzle. A satisfactory
method is to pass the air in vry fine bubbles through a tower containing
heated water. The temperature of the water should be
or higher.
The permissible temperature increases with increasing volume of air and
decreasing heat insulation of the chamber and temperature of its surroundings. Salt solution. - The salt used shall be sodium chloride con-
taining on the dry basis not more than 0.1 percent of sodium iodide, and
not more than 0.2 percent of total impurities. The solution shall be pre-
pared by dissolving 20 2 parts by weight of salt in 80 parts by weight of
distilled or other water containing not more than 200 parts per million of
total solids. The solution shall be kept free from solids by filtration
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