| ![]() MIL-T-18606(Aer)
. With system operating normally, the-ventilating air source shall
disconnected or deactivated to determine that no unsafe condition will be created
loss of ventilating air through failure of equipment or icing ofair inlet in
light. With system operating normally, deactivate or bypass the normal
temperature control system to allow heater outlet air temperature to increase to the
overheat switch setting. (Reduce ventilating air flow if required.) It shall be
determined that no unsafe "condition exists at the temperature encountered and that
overheat circuit functions properly. With the system operating normally, gradually decrease the voltage
applied to the aircraft until all of the components of the system cease to operate.
t shall be determined that no unsafe condition is created due lOW voltage oporation With the system turned on and all electrical power disconnected
rom the aircraft (external blowers operating if used), reduce the voltaqe to 5O per-
ent of the normal aircraft system voltage and reconnect to the aircraft. Gradually
ncrease the voltage until all components are operating normally and it shall be
etermined that no unsafe condition is created by low voltage condition. Conditions required to cause the aircraft heater to backfire shall
e created to determine that combustion air and exhaust systems are secure and adequate
or the heater, These conditions may be created by reduction of combustion air flow or
isconnecting the ignition system for a brief period of time. At least three substantial
ackfires shall be created before considering the system adequate. Ducts and heater
hall be inspected for damage after test.
4.1.2 Performance tests.
4,1,2.3 Ground tests shill be conducted on aircraft equipped with ground
onditioning equipment to determine if satisfactory temperatures and air flow rates are
btained. The air distribution shall be observed and flow rates measured to determine
roper balance of the system, All temperatures, pressures, air velocities, and
umidity (in transports specified in section 3 shall be recorded. Smoke removal procedures shall be satisfactory demonstrated.
protect all crew members and observers with suitable protective masks and discharge or
manufacture sufficient smoke to fill the cabin. Smoke removal procedure shall be
effected and the time required to remove smoke from crew and passenger compartments
recorded. Smoke may be simulatated by using an aerosol type container charged with butyl
tearate and Freon-12.
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