| ![]() .
The cloud conditions encountored during the' flight,
Speed, altitude and duration of' any extra flying
required to clean the transparancies at the end of
the dive.
event of' unsatisfatory results, necessery changes shall be
made to the system, and the tests repeated untii satisfactory performance is obtailned.
4.4 Defogging and defrosting system tests for non-pressurized,aircraft.
It shall be demonstrated that defogging and defrosting systems instralled i n n o n -
prossurizod aircraft meet the operation requirements called out in Specification
MIL-T-5042 for non-combat type aircraft. These-teats may be conducted in conjunction
with evaluation of the cabin air conditioning? system, however, test data shall show
satisfactory performance for the atmosphoric conditions specified in MIL-T-58420
4.5 Pressure suit system tests. -Porformanoc of the system for air condi-
tioning and pressurizing pilot's and crowman's pressure suits shall, be satisfactorily
demonstrated. The ubility of the system to maintain inlet air flow. and temperatures
within the specified limits shall be demonstrated during steady rate and transient
conditions of airplane and system oporation when the cabin is pressurizod. With the
cabin depressurizod at the maximum operating altitude of the airplane, the ability
of the system to maintain suit pressure and ventilating air flow at the specified
level shall be demonstrated. Test data such as temperatures, pressures and airflowS
shall be recorded at frequent intervals, and commonts from test personnel wearing
the suits shall be included in the test report, These tests should utilize the suit
intended for service we in the airplane being tested.
4.6 Test report. The manufacturer shall furnish a complete report covering
all teats. This report shall include an introduction, brief description of system,
instrumontation end tests, complete data on atmospheric conditions (including mount
of cloud coverage), results, discussion, conclusion and an appendix containing all
data and curves necessary to completely analyze the operation of the system. ,
4.6.1 Special reports.-Special reports shall be submitted immediately
whenever defects requiring major modifications are disclosed by the tests.
(Not Applicable)
(2) System capacities.
(3) Defogging and defrosting systems.
(4) Individual components and equipment items.
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