| ![]() MIL-T-21578A
Selection of specifications and standards - Specifications
and standards for necessary commodities and services not specified herein
shall be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-143.
Materials - Materials shall conform to applicable specifications
and shall be as specified herein and on applicable drawings. Materials which are
not covered by specifications, or which are not specifically described herein, shall
be of the best quality, of the lightest practicable weight, and suitable for the purpose
Metal parts - All metal parts shall be of a corrosion resis-
tant material or treated in a manner to render them adequately resistant to
corrosion (see 3.6).
Dissimilar metals - Unless suitably protected against elec-
trolytic corrosion, dissimilar metals shall not be used in intimate contact with
each other. Dissimilar metals are defined in MS33586.
Design and construction - The design and construction of the
test stand, various test stand systems, and components shall be in accordance with
the following subparagraphs.
Grouping of systems, component, and cabinet - Design,
layout, and assembly of the cabinet and its component parts shall be such as to
facilitate quantity production and ease of maintenance. The test equipment shall
be so designed that no special tools are! required for adjustment, cleaning, or main-
tenance of the test equipment or any component.
Structure - All test equipment shall be located within a fully
enclosed metal cabinet suitably designed to withstand all loads imposed during
service use and shipment. The cabinet shall provide suitable guards or shields
for fan blades, heating coils, electrical connections, and all other component parts
which may present a hazard to the operator. Instrument panels shall be con-
structed of not less than 11 gage metal; doors and cabinet panels shall be not less
than 14 gage metal.
Size - Cabinet size shall not exceed 10 feet in length by 8 feet
in depth (depth from operator's side of stand to rear) by 7-1/2 feet high. Test
equipment requiring a cabinet of larger size shall be constructed in sections to
meet the size requirements. All instrumentation located above 6 feet high shall
be inserted in the cabinet so as to be readily visible and accessible to the opera-
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