| ![]() MIL-T-21578A
without leakage or permanent distortion. Components such as valves and
pumps may use flange connections with pipe thread outlets.
3. Flexible lines - Flexible lines shall be designed to with-
stand 150 percent of maximum operating pressure without leakage or permanent
distortion. To insure electrical continuity all flexible hose carrying test fluids
shall be of the flexible steel-braid type with flared or flareless type coupling
fittings installed on each end of the hose. All flexible hose shall be tested for
electrical continuity. The maximum resistance of the steel braid and the hose
couplings shall not exceed 100 ohms (see 6.3. 3(b)).
3. Rigid lines - Rigid lines shall be of corrosion resistant
steel or aluminum alloy, Rigid lines shall be designed to withstand 200 percent
of maximum operating pressure without leakage or permanent distortion. The
use of commercial black iron pipe or fittings shall be prohibited. The use of
rigid lines shall be limited to a minimum. All pipe threads shall be in accord-
ance with MIL-P-7105 (ANPT). The use of any material (other than thread
lubricant) for sealing threaded joints shall be prohibited.
Panel holes - All holes through vertical panels used for
installation of valves and fittings, or through horizontal surfaces normally de-
scribed as the working table or area, shall be of standard size and type to per-
mit interchange of valves and fittings from l/8-inch to l-inch size, without
rework of the panel. Interchangeable flanged adapters shall be fitted to the panel
holes and shall provide a rigid mounting of sufficient strength to hold the valve
or fitting without additional support. Bezel plates or other means shall be pro-
vided for each panel-mounted valve or fitting which will seal the opening as
effectively as practicable. Plates shall be readily removable by one man,
supports - All fittings, lines, tubing, and other Auxiliary
components attached to the panel that, due to weight and size, might be damaged
in shipment shall be provided with auxiliary supports or mounting brackets to
minimize the possibility y of damage to the panel and panel mountings. Rigid line mounting - Rigid lines shall not be attached to
the panel mounted valves or fittings when sizes and pressures permit the use of
flexible hose. Adapters - All valves, bulkheads, adapters, and other panel
mounted componets shall be mounted by screws into tapped holes or into threaded
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