| ![]() MIL-T-21578A
Operation of test equipment - All test equipment units shall
be operated as specified in the detail specification at full rated capacity for a
minimum of two hours and shall maintain proper test fluid temperature, speed
and speed controls with no evidence of overloading or other indications of stress
or failure.
4. 6.3
Correlation - The test equipment shall be subjected to and
shall meet the requirements of the correlation tests specified in the detail speci-
Preservation and packaging -
5, 1.1
Level A - Unless otherwise specified each test equipment
stand shall be preserved and packaged in accordance with MIL-STD-794, Level
A. The packaging method shall conform to MIL-P-116, Method II, The hydraulic
system of the test equipment shall be preserved with a hydraulic equipment pre-
servative compatible with the test fluid to be used in operation of the test equipment.
5. 1.2
Level C - Unless otherwise specified preservation and pack-
aging shall conform to MIL-STD-794, Level C. The hydraulic system of the test
equipment shall be preserved with a hydraulic equipment preservative compatible
with the test fluid to be used in operation of the test `equipment.
Packing - Unless otherwise specified patting shall conform
to MIL-STD-794, Level A, B, or C as specified in the contract or order.
Marking - Unless otherwise specified marking shall conform
to MIL-STD-129. The nomenclature of the equipment marked on the container shall
be as indicated in the detail specification. The packages, container, and shipping
documents shall include the complete SCC code number.
Intended use - The test equipment is used to test various air-
craft and missile components used in engine, hydraulic, fuel, and pneumatic systems.
Information for contracting officer - Contracts or orders
should specify the following:
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.
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