3.1 First article, When specified (ace 6.2), the supplier shall furnish
a sample for first article Inspection and approval (see 4.2 and 6.3).
3.2 Materials. Materials not definitely specified shall be of the
quality normally used for the purpose in commercial practical.
3.2.1 Plywood. Plywood used for the tabletop and battens shall be
l ither softwood or hardwood as follows:
* Sofwood plywood. The softwood plywood shall be exterior type,
grade A-B, sanded two sides, conforming to group 1 of Product Standard
PS 1-66. Hardwood plywood. Hardwood plywood shall be waterproof
bond, high or medium density, grade 2 face and back, sanded two sides,
conforming to type I of Conmercial Standard CS-35-61.
3.2.2 Aluminum and steel angles and shapes. Aluminum angles. Aluminum angles shall be fabricated of an
alloy conforming to the requirements of QQ-A-250/2, temper H-14.
* Steel, bar size shapes. Bar size shapes shall conform to
QQ-S-630 or if formed from steel sheet or strip shall conform to QQ-S-698.
3.2.3 Hardware. Nuts and bolts, wing nuts, wood screws, washers,
rivets, and cotter pins shall be standard commercial products, fabricated
from steel and except for wood screws shall be cadmium plated.
3.2.4 Enamel. Enamel shall be semigloss conforming to the require-
ments of TT-E-485. The color shall be olive drab 24087 conforming to
3.2.5 Varnish, spar. Spar varnish shall conform to the requirements
of TT-V-121.
3.2.6 Adhesive. Adhesive shall be urea-resin-type conforming to either
of types
III of MM-A-188.
3.3 Construction. The construction of all components and assemblies
of the item covered by this specification shall conform to the require-
ments herein and the design, details, dimenions, material classification
and sizes specified on Drawing 5-13-2498.
The top shall be plywood specified In 3.2.1 and sanded
3.3.1 Top.
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