| MIL-T-22913C(OS) Connect terminal 17 of P-152 to a 330 ohm plus or minus 10
percent resistor. Connect the other end of the resistor to the plus 26
volt terminal of the dc power supply. Connect terminal 16 of P-152 to
the negative terminal of the dc power supply. Connect terminal 20 of P152 to center-tapped common ground of
6 volt dc power supply. Connect terminal 18 of P152 to positive terminal
of the power supply, and connect terminal 19 of P152 to the negative ter-
minal. Connect the timer motor input terminals to the load side of
the three pole, single throw switch. The switch shall be In the open
position. Connect the input side of the switch to the 85-120 volt ac
power supply.
4.5.4 Test procedure. See NAVORD Drawing 2209071 for timer terminal.
designations. Voltage measurements Motor input voltage. Using the ac voltmeter, set the ac
power supply voltage as specified in Close the three pole,
single throw switch. The timer shall start functioning without any
additional external aid. Open switch and repeat the above procedure
a total of four times, all at different initial cam positions. Reset
the motor input voltage to the value specified in Switch circuit voltage. Using the dc voltmeter, measure
and record the voltage supplied to the timer switch circuits. It shall
be as specified in Frequency. Using the frequency measuring section of the elec-
tronic counter, measure and record the timer motor input frequency. It
shall be as specified in Switch circuit time measurements
(a) For tests 1 through 8. Connect the ground terminal of the time
interval section of the electronic counter to the zero volt terminal of
the dc power supply. Connect the "start of count" and "stop counting"
leads of the electronic counter to terminal C only of the applicable dummy
load for each test specified in Table IV. Where positive triggering volt-
age polarities are specified in Table IV, the electronic counter trigger
slope setting shall be positive. Where negative triggering voltage polar-
ities are specified in Table IV, the electronic counter trigger slope set-
tings shall be negative. Triggering levels on the electronic counter shall
be three volts plus or minus one volt dc less than the voltage measured in
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