| MIL-T-22913C(OS) Potentiometer operation Test setup. Join 4-P152 and 20-P152 and connect to positive
terminal of 6-volt dc power supply. Join 5-P152 and 21-P152 together and
connect to negative side of 6-volt dc power supply. Join 18-P152, 19-P152,
and 6-P152 together and connect to ground terminal of the dual channel
paper strip recorder. Connect 90-volt potentiometer (7-P152) to channel
1 and connect 14-volt potentiometer (22-P152) to channel 2. With the re-
corder chart speed set to 20 mm/sec and the gain set to 0.2 volt/mm, re-
cord at least two complete cycles of timer operation. 90-volt potentiometer operating. Using the recording made
in, observe the rise and fall of the potentiometer output volt-
age. The oscillograph recording of the voltage variation shall be linear
with no discontinuities in the trace. 14-volt potentiometer operation. (a) Using the recording
made in, observe the rise and fall of the potentiometer output
voltage. The oscillograph recording of the voltage variation shall be
linear with no discontinuities in the trace. (b) The phase measure-
ment shall be made by comparison between channels 1 and 2 of the recording
made in, and shall be as specified in 3..3.3.1. Potentiometer resistance 90-volt potentiometer resistance. Using the Wheatstone
bridge, measure the potentiometer resistance between terminals 4 and 6
and 5 and 6 on P-152. Each reading shall be 2500 ohms plus or minus 5
percent. 14-volt potentiometer resistance. Using the Wheatstone
bridge, measure the potentiometer resistance between terminals 20 on
P-152 and either 18 or P152 or 19 on P-152 and 21 on P-152 and either
18 on P-152 or 19 on P-152. Each reading shall be 500 ohms plus or
minus 5 percent. If measuring from 18 on P-152, the resistance is 500
ohms. The difference between the two readings shall be 5 ohms or less.
From 19 on P-152, without timer rotation, the circuit will be open. If
measuring from 19 on P-152, the resistance is 500 ohms; from 18 on P-152,
the circuit will be open with no timer rotation. Dielectric tests. Apply test voltages of the timer terminals,
as specified in No arcing or breakdown of insulation shall occur. Measure the insulation resistance between all terminals of the
connector and the timer chassis and all terminals of the connector and its
shell at 500 volts dc minimum. The insulation resistance shall be 50 megohms
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