| The test set shall be tested in accordance with humidity
4.5.4 Humidity.
test procedures in MIL-T-945. At the conclusion of the test, the test set
shall meet the performance requirements specified in 3.4.
4.5.5 Trcpical environment.
The test set. shall be fungus tested in accord-
ance with MIL-T-945. At the conclusion of the test, the test set shall meet
the performance requirements specified in 3.4.
4.5.6 Marine environment.
The test set, with cover closed and secured,
shall be exposed to the sea atmosphere as encountered on the weather deck
days, protected from rain, spray, or snow by a shelter
of a ship for 10
which permits free air circulation around the test set. At the conclusion
of the test, the test set shall meet the performance requirements specified
in 3.4.
4.5.7 Operating life.
The test set shall be energized for a period of
200 hours under maximum operating temperature and humidity conditions as
follows: +130F at 95 percent relative humidity. At the conclusion of the
test, the test set shall meet the performance requirements specified in 3.4.
4.5.8 Low order repetitive shock (vibration).
his test shall be run
prior to running other standard shock tests.
This test shall be run in
accordance witn Method 278 of Federal lest Metnod Standard No. 101 with the
following clarification:
If circular input motion is used, table frequency shall be adjusted
to assure that one edge of the container leaves the table on each cycle by
3/16 inch.
(b) If vertical linear input motion is used, all points of the con-
tainer shall leave the table by 1/16 inch at some instant during each cycle.
If neither of the above is attainable with equipment at hand, the
rpm for the stipulated time period.
cable shall be operated at 270
4.5.9 Vibration (sinusoidal motion) test.
This test shall be run in
accordance with Method 5020 of Federal Test Method Standard No. 101 with the
following exception:
The frequency range of 5 to 60 Hz for a 10-minute sweep to deter-
mine resonance will be maintained in lieu of 105 minutes as stated under
Method 5020.
4.5.10 Free-drop tests (shock).
These tests shall be conducted to require-
ments as follows:
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