| ![]() MIL-T-23588C(OS)
* Low temperature, nonoperating. The transducer shall meet all
the performance requirements and product characteristics of this specifi-
cation after being tested as in Low temperature, operating. The transducer shall be capable
of meeting all the performance requirements of this specification while
undergoing the test specified in Thermal effect on zero shift. With input voltage at 8 volts,
zero shift for thermal equilibrium within the cell shall be less than
0.01 percent of fullscale output per degree Fahrenheit (F) throughout a
temperature range of plus 28 degrees to plus 130 degrees F, Thermal effect on sensitivity shift. Sensitivity shift for
thermal equilibrium within the cell shall be less than 0.01 percent of
full-scale output per degree F throughout a temperature range of plus 28
degrees to plus 130 degrees F. Thermal shock. Wetting of the pressure sensing element with
water at a differential temperature of 40 degrees F followed by immersion
of the transducer shall not change the O psig pressure output by more
than 4 percent of full-scale output within a period of one minute after
immersion. After one minute of immersion, the change shall not exceed
0.5 percent of full scale output.
3.5.3 Fungus. The transducer shall meet all performance requirements
of this specification after being tested in accordance with 4.4.3.
3.5.4 Pressure-voltage sensitivity. The maximum time for the output
voltage to reach 63 percent of the final output for any step pressure
input, within the range of the transducer, shall be 2.4 milliseconds.
3.5.5 Zero output stability. : The transducer output at O psig, with
zero unbalance corrected for minimum, shall not change by more than 0.05
percent of full-scale output when the source voltage is varied over the
range of 7.76 to 8.24 volts.
3.5.6 Phase relationships. At O psig, the portion of the output voltage that is 90
degrees to the supply voltage shall not exceed plus or minus 1.5 microvolt
output per volt input at 400 Hz.
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