| ![]() MIL-T-23824A(OS)
3.2.1 Data required. No data is required by this specification (other
than reports accompanying samples submitted for preproduction and periodic
production testing), or by applicable documents referenced in Section 2,
unless specified in the contract or order (see 6.2).
3.2.2 Preproduction sample. Unless otherwise specified in the contract
or order, preproduction samples of the beacon light shall be manufactured
using the methods and procedures proposed for the production lot. These
units shall be tested as specified in Section 4 herein and are for the
purpose of determining prior to starting production, that the contractor's
production methods are capable of producing beacon lights that comply with
the technical requirements of the contract. See 4.3.1.
3.2.3 Material. All material and components used in the fabrication of
the torpedo beacon light shall be of a quality that will insure that the
torpedo beacon light will meet the performance and environmental require-
ments specified herein.
3.2.4 Marking. Marking of the torpedo beacon light shall be in accord-
ance with NAVORD Dwg 695262.
3.2.5 Design Accessibility. The design of the torpedo beacon light shall
provide for the convenient and efficient replacement of the lens and flash-
tube of the flashhead assembly and all power pack components. Polarity. The design of the torpedo beacon light shall provide
for the isolation of all circuits from their packaging to 'permit operation
with systems employing either a positive or negative ground.
3.2.6 Threads. Unless otherwise specified, all threads shall be in
accordance with National Bureau of Standards Handbook H28.
3.2.7 Conflicting requirements. In the event of conflict between the
documents referenced herein and the contents of this specification, the
contents of this specification shall apply.
3.3 Definitions. Definitions applicable to the environmental require-
ments of this specification are given in MIL-T-82590.
3.4 Performance requirements and product characteristics. The torpedo
beacon light shall meet the following performance requirements and product
3.4.1 Size. The torpedo beacon light shall meet the dimensional re-
quirements of NAVORD Dwg 695202.
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