| ![]() MIL-T-2452J Compaction cycle time. The compaction cycle time shall be not more than
45 seconds.
3.5.5 Rear dumping. The rear dump opening shall be full body width and height. The
tailgate shall be hinged at the top and shall be provided with power operated means for swinging
the tailgate and hopper away from the body to permit unobstructed dumping. A reinforced,
full-body cross-section, hydraulically actuated ejection plate shall completely discharge all
refuse through the rear opening of the body. The ejection plate design and construction shall
operate throughout the length of the body without bypassing refuse.
3.5.6 Operating mechanisms. The mechanisms for emptying the hopper, compacting the
refuse, elevating the tailgate, and discharging the refuse shall be hydraulically operated. The
pump shall be a heavy duty, positive displacement type. Power to the pump shall be transmitted
by a heavy duty, antifriction bearing type power takeoff through a heavy duty driveline. All
mechanical operating mechanisms shall have an ultimate load capacity of not less than 2.0 times
the maximum operating load. Hydraulic system. Relief valves shall be provided in the hydraulic system to
prevent excessive hydraulic pressure and shall be set to relieve hydraulic pressures in excess of
that recommended by the manufacturer. A hydraulic T-fitting, or equivalent, for insertion of a
pressure gage shall be provided in the line beyond the main relief valve to facilitate checking the
line pressure. All circulating fluid shall pass through a full-flow hydraulic fluid filter. The filter
element mesh shall be of a size to limit circulation of particles of 10-micronsize or larger. The
filter shall be located so that it will not contribute to pump cavitation and shall be accessible for
servicing. Hydraulic lines, hoses, and fittings shall meet or exceed the requirements of
Recommended Practices and Standards contained in the SAE Handbook. A reservoir shall be
provided with sufficient flow volume to maintain the fluid temperature below the recommended
limits and shall incorporate an oil level indicator.
* Hydraulic cylinders. All exposed hydraulic cylinders shall be fitted with seals
to prevent entrance of dirt, moisture and other foreign elements and to prevent leakage of
hydraulic fluid from the cylinders. Hydraulic ram piston rods shall be chrome-plated full length
with sufficient thickness to withstand a 30-hour salt spray test in accordance with ASTM B-117.
The connecting ends shall be treated in accordance with the best commercial practice.
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