| ![]() MIL-T-26025E (USAF)
Overall length, width and height.
Tiedown instructions for air transport in Types C-130, C-141 and C-5 Aircraft.
Pa rt numbe ring of interchangeable parts. All parts having the same manufacturer's part
number shall be functionally and dimensionally interchangeable.
3 . 1 2 D i m e n s i o n s . The vehicle, in fully operational conditions, including all equipment and
accessories, shall not exceed the following dimensions:
Length (maximum) -191 inches.
b. Width (maximum) -98 inches.
Height (maximum) -102 inches.
d. Ground clearance (minimum) - 10 inches.
Workmanship. The vehicle, including all parts and accessories, shall be constructed and
finished in a thoroughly workmanlike manner. Particular attention shall be given to freedom from
blemishes, defects, burrs and sharp corners and edges; accuracy of dimensions, surface finish and radii
of fillets; thoroughness of soldering, welding, brazing, painting, wiring and riveting, marking of parts
and assemblies; alignment of parts and tightness of assembly fasteners, etc.
Welders and welding.
3.13.1 Welders. All welders employed in the fabrication of the vehicle, except for the commercial
chassis, shall be certified in accordance with the applicable requirements of MIL-STD-1595, the American
Welding Society or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Welding. The surface parts to be welded shall be free from rust, scale, paint, grease and other
foreign matter. Welds shall transmit stress without cracking or permanent distortion when the parts
connected by the welds are subjected to test, proof and service loadings.
Screw assemblies . Unless torque is specified, treaded fasteners shall be tight and shall not
work loose during testing or service usage.
Riviting. Riveting operations shall be performed to ensure tight fit and complete heading of the
ea r and lever assemblies. Gear and lever assemblies shall be properly aligned and meshed
and shall be operable without interference, tight spots, loose spots or other irregularities. Where required
for accurate adjustment, gear assemblies shall be free of backlash.
Cleaning. The vehicle shall be thoroughly cleaned. Loose, spattered or excess solder, welding
slag, stray bolts, nuts and washers, rust metal particles, pipe compound and other foreign matter shall be
removed during and after final assembly.
Unless otherwise specified in the contractor purchase order, the
contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as
otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities
suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the
Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the
specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to
prescribed requirements.
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