| MIL-T-45379D(AT)
c. Telescope sighting equipment (breechscope) shall be inserted in the gun tube and the
turret shall be rotated as required to align the breechscope reticle on a suitable target
at 1200 m range.
d. The computer shall be placed in boresight mode of operation at 1200 m with power
applied to the system.
e. The reticle of the gunner's periscope (daylight body), gunner's telescope, and laser
rangefinder shall be superimposed on its respective zero degree target by adjusting
the appropriate boresight knobs.
f. Back the tank up the 15 ramp and realine the 105mm gun on the 1200 m target as
viewed through the breechscope. Utilize the gunner's control handles as required to
perform this alinement.
g. The three fire control instrument reticles shall be on target within the tolerances
specified. This shall be determined by using the boresight knobs to bring the reticle
back on target. The knobs shall be returned to their original settings. Elevation backlash. To determine conformance to, backlash tests
shall be made in accordance with the following procedure:
a. The 105mm gun shall be alined on a distant point by laying from low to high without
b. The line of sight through the gunner's periscope (daylight) and the rangefinder shall
be adjusted to superimpose their reticles on the same point as the gun.
c. The 105mm gun shall be realined with the aiming point by laying from high to low.
d. The backlash or the amount that each line of sight lags shall be measured by noting
the new position of each reticle on the aiming point. Backlash for the periscope and
the rangefinder shall not exceed the amount specified.
e. Backlash shall be checked at gun positions of zero, +5, +10, and +15. Boresight knob travel. Boresight knob travel shall be tested after
synchronization requirements have been met. Knob travel shall be measured from a position
established with the gun line of sight on a 1200 m distant aiming point laying from low to high
and each reticle positioned on the same point. Boresight knob travel shall be as specified in
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