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information to be included shall be in accordance
the contract of order. The Government reserves
with the applicable drawings or as specified by the
the right to perform any of the inspections set forth
procuring activity. Thickness of the plates shall be
in the specification where such inspections are
0.030 inch minimum. The plates shall meet the
deemed necessary to assure supplies and services
performance requirements of Specification
conform to prescribed requirements.
4.1.2 Contractor's quality assurance system.
The contractor shall provide and maintain an
3.9 Undercoating. Vehicle shall be under-
effective inspection and quality assurance system,
coated, after painting, using coating compound
acceptable to the Government, covering the
conforming to Specification TT-C- 520. Coating
supplies under the contract. A current written
shall be applied to all sheet metal under surfaces to
description of the system shall be submitted to the
a thickness of 1/16 to 1/8 inch; except that drain
contracting officer prior to initiation of production.
holes, lubrication points, frame members, heavy
The contractor will not be restricted to the
castings, axles, brakes, and suspension
inspection station or to the method of inspection
components shall be kept free of coating material.
listed provided that an equivalent control is
included in the approved quality assurance
3.10 Servicing and adjusting. Prior to
procedure. The contractor shall notify the
acceptance of the vehicles by the Government
Government of, and obtain approval for, any
inspector, contractor shall adjust and service each
change to the written procedure that might affect
vehicle for immediate operational use including at
the degree of assurance required by this
least the following: adjust brake system, check
specification or other applicable documents
electrical system; inflate all tires; and completely
referenced herein.
lubricate chassis and all running gear with grades
4.1.3 Government verification. All quality
of lubricants recommended for the ambient air
temperature at the delivery point.
assurance operations, performed by the contractor
will be subject to Government verification at
3.11 Workmanship. Workmanship shall be of
unscheduled intervals. Verification will consist of
a quality to assure delivery of vehicles which are
(a) surveillance of the operations to determine that
free from defects resulting from defective
practices, methods, and procedures of the written
material, improper manufacturing or incorrect
inspection plan are being properly applied, and
assembly practices, and which shall meet or
(b) Government product inspection to measure
exceed requirements herein specified. Defective
quality of product offered for acceptance.
components or parts and assemblies which have
Deviation from the prescribed or agreed-upon
been repaired or modified to overcome
procedures, or instances of poor practices which
deficiencies shall not be furnished.
might have an effect upon the quality of the
product, will be immediately called to the attention
of the contractor. Failure of the contractor to
promptly correct deficiencies discovered shall be
4.1 General quality assurance provisions.
cause for suspension of acceptance until corrective
action has been made or until conformance of
4.1.1 Contractor's inspection. The supplier is
product to prescribed criteria has been
responsible for the performance of all inspection
requirements as specified herein. Except as
4.1.4 Qualified products. The contractor's
otherwise specified the supplier may utilize his
inspection records shall be examined to determine
own or any other inspection facilities and services
conformity to requirements of paragraph 3.1.
acceptable to the Government. Inspection records
4.1.5 Materials. The contractor shall provide
of the examination and test shall be kept complete
and available to the Government as specified in
the Government with objective evidence that

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