| ![]() MIL-T-46324D(MU)
through the excursion specified in 3.6.1 without slippage or rotation under
its own weight, and for establishing coincidence of the 3 indices of the
telescope with respect to the calibrated vertical index and geometric axis
of the telescope's tube as specified in 3.6.4.
c. Target projector collimator. - The target projector collimator
shall have a clear aperture of at least 2 inches. The target reticle of
the projector collimator shall contain a 0.50 mil diameter circle at the
intersecting point of the horizontal and vertical reticle lines to deter-
mine conformance with collimation, as specified in 3.6.1. Tolerance marks
shall also be incorporated on both sides of the vertical reticle line to
determine conformance to parallelism of reticle and image, as specified, in
3.6.4. Unless otherwise specified, the target projector collimator shall
be set at infinity focus. The zero line of sight of the target collimator
shall be set with the line of sight in the same horizontal (level) plane
of the geometric optical axis (the nominal line of sight of the telescope)
within 10 seconds. The vertical reticle line of the collimator shall be
adjusted plumb.
d. Collimating telescope. - A calibrated collimating telescope
of at least 3 power (3x) containing a horizontal and vertical reticle line
shall be utilized for alignment of the "V" block with respect to the geo-
metric optical axis of the target collimator. Position the telescope in
the "V" block with the vertical reticle line of the telescope adjusted
plumb when in the test position. While observing through the telescope,
establish coincidence of the intersecting point (horizontal and vertical
reticle lines) of the telescope with respect to the intersecting point
(horizontal and vertical reticle lines) of the target image. The telescope
shall then be rotated 3200 mils (90 to the left and 90 to the right)
from the established position above to determine repeatability of the testing
equipment prior to performing any accuracy tests of the telescope assembly. Sealing. - Special testing equipment to test sealing of the
telescope shall conform to the internal pressure test requirements of
Drawing F8565556, Pressure Tester - TWO Station.
4.6 Test methods and Procedures.
4.6.1 Storage temperature (-80F). - The testing equipment utilized
in this test shall be in accordance with the "Test Facilities" requirements
of MIL-F-13926 and conditions of 3.5.1. The telescope shall be exposed to
-80F temperature extreme specified in 3.5.1 for a minimum of 5 hours.
After the temperature exposure, the telescope shall be stabilized at an
ambient temperature between 60 to 90F and subjected to the appropriate
visual examination of, to determine conformance to the requirements
of Upon completion of this test, the telescope shall be thoroughly
examined for physical defects and shall meet the requirements specified in
3.5.1 Caution shall be exercised during this test to avoid subjecting
the telescope to thermal shock.
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