| ![]() MIL-T-46385A(MU) Parallelism of image and reticle. - With the telescope and
fixture positioned as outlined in, sight through the telescope and
observe parallelism between the mil scale vertical line and the corresponding
projected reticle line. The extent of non-parallelism is to be estimated and
shall not exceed the width of a tick line of the mil scale to assure conform-
ance with paragraph 3.8.9. Reticle accuracy. - This test may be performed with the tele-
scope positioned as outlined in To facilitate this inspection, the
telescope may be unlocked in the adapter and the zero range graduations of
the reticle placed in coincidence with zero range lines of the projected
target. To obtain this coincidence, shim the unit in the mount. When this
coincidence has been established, observe coincidence between the maximum
range line of the scales. They must be within the limit lines of the projected
reticle for each scale to assure compliance with 3.8.4. Operability. - This test will be performed at the temperature
specified in 3.9 using a torque wrench and appropriate adapters. Running
torque readings shall conform to the limits specified in 3.9. Illumination. - Connect a three volt lamp assembly to the
telescope to illuminate the reticle assembly and observe the reticle's lines
and figures. They shall appear clear and well defined when viewed in a
darkened area to conform to the requirement of 3.10.
5.1b Packaging, packing and marking. - Packaging, packing and marking
shall be in accordance with packaging data sheet 8626440. The level of
protection shall be as specified in the procurement document.
6.1 Intended use. - The Elbow Telescope: M114 is primarily intended
to be used as the direct fire telescope on the Howitzer: M102. The tele-
scope employs a reticle inscribed for ranges in meters for 105MM ammunition,
HEXM482 and HEP-T-M327 and a Mil scale for elevation angles between 0 and
60 mils.
6.2 Ordering data. - Procurement documents should specify the following:
(a) Title, number and date of this specification.
(b) Selection of applicable levels of preservation, packaging
and packing.
(c) Applicable packaging data sheet number (see 5.1).
(d) Applicable stock number.
Preparing activity:
Army - MU
Army - MU
Project No. 124O-A1O8
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