| MIL-T-46386A(MU) Backlash. - Backlash in the deflection mechanism shall not
exceed 0.5 mil when read on the 6400 mil azimuth counter and 0.75 mil
whenb read ont the reset counter. Backlash in the elevating mechanism shall
not exceed 1.0 mil.
3.7.7 Eyepiece focus. - Eyepiece focus of the horizontal reticle line
and vertical reticle line at the center of the field shall each be within
the limits of 0.75 and 1.0 diopters.
3.7.8 Resolution. - Resolution on the optical axis shall be 15 seconds
of arc or less when using an auxiliary telescope of at least 3 power having
an entrance pupil of at least 0.4 inch. Resolution shal consist of
detectable line structure and proper line count in all 4 meridians. Variation
in focus between meridians shall not exceed 0.25 diopters as measured at the
panoramic eyepiece.
3.7.9 Patallax. - Parallax in the center of the field shall not exceed
0.35 mil when viewing a target between 40 meters and infinity. (Patallax
is nominally zero at 80 meters.)
3.7.10 Reticle accuracy. - The total angular subtense of the reticle
graduations in object space shall be as indicated on the reticle drawing
within two percent.
3.8 Counter operation.
3.8.1 Reset counter. - The reset counter shall be resettable to 3200
mils from anyu counter reading. The reset counter and the 6400 mil azimuth
counter shall follow when the operating knob is turned at the rate of 200
revolutions per minute (RPM) for a period of one minute. The gunner's aid
counter shall remain at R-00 and L-00.
3.8.2 Gunner's aid counter. - The stops shall allow an excursion of
plus 50 mils and minus 50 mils Counter setting. - Setting right (R) 50 mils on the gunner's
aid counter shall increase the reset counter by 50 mils Setting left (L)
SO mils on the gunner's aid counter shall decrease the reset counter by 50
mils No change shall result in the 6400 mil azimuth counter. Direct fire, click lead, engagement knob. - With the detent on
the knob of the 6400 mil azimuth counter set for direct fire the azimuth
counter knob shall indicate a distinguishable click, indicating detent
position at each five mil interval between 0 and 6400 mils.
3.9 Operability of movable parts.
3.9.1 Torque. - The running torque required to rotate the following
components shall be within the values tabulated. When checked at the
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