| ![]() MIL-T-46398(MU)
` Example: T1-09733124A
(c) Name, type, model number and
capacity of machine, when tool is
machine. Ex-
used on a power
ample: Lathe, turret, electrocycle
NO. 1, warner& Swazey, M2620,
(d) End item nomenclature
number. Example: Range finder
3.1.3. Grade C tools. Tools in this grade
` are only required to produce small quantities
of parts such as R and D work. Low cost, data
simple design, single operation shall be the
characteristics of this class. Grade C
tools are usually scrapped at the completion
of the contract.
3.1.4. Revisions. The contractor's produc-
tion tool engineering activity shall review
3.1.4 Drawings. Drawings shall b e pre-
all pertinent product engineering changes
pared in accordance with specification MIL-
made throughout the Iife of the contract and
D-70327, Standard MIL-STD-1243, and as
make the necessary revisions to the pertinent
Specified herein for all Grade A and Grade B
tool drawings.
tools. Drawings are not required for Grade
q Disposition of drawings. On com-
c tools or commercial tools such as tape. 3.1.4
pletion of the contract, all 0riginal tool draw-
dies and reamers.
ings procured under this specification shall Class and type. Drawings shall be
be packaged in accordance with section 5 of
class 1, Grade 2 detail assembly drawings
Specification MIL-D-70327 q and delivered to
with necessary views of assembled tools and
the GoVernment as directed by the procuring
shall be sufficiently definitive to permit manu-
facture by a second source. Each part shall
3.1.5Standard parts. Wherever possible
number. Parts which cannot be -fully dimen-
standard parts such as guide pins, bushings,
sioned on the assembly views shall be de-
etc. shall be used in Crade A and B tools,
tailed and dimensioned separately.
Provided they possess suitable properties and
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