| ![]() MIL-T-46632B(OS)
a. First article inspection (see 4.4)
b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.5)
4.3 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), all inspections shall be
performed under the following conditions:
Temperature: room ambient (68 to 77 F)
Altitude: sea level
Humidity: 50 percent relative, maximum
Atmospheric pressure: 14.7 psi
4.4 First article inspection. At the beginning of regular production, the contractor shall
submit an initial production sample to a Government approved facility for evaluation. The sample
shall consist of five metal parts assemblies, nine sets of unassembled parts, one set of
unassembled parts without plating or final protective finish, and fifty shear pins from the same
lot of shear pins tested by the contractor. The sample shall be manufactured in the same manner,
using the same materials, equipment, processes, and procedures as used in regular production. All
parts and materials, including packaging and packing, must be the same as will be used for regular
production and shall be obtained from the same source of supply. After inspection and provisional
acceptance at source, the first article sample shall be inspected for all requirements of the
drawings and specifications. The Government reserves the right to require new first article
samples until an acceptable sample is submitted (see 6.3).
4.5 Quality conformance inspection.
4.5.1 Lot. Submission of product. Unless otherwise specified by the contracting activity,
formation and identification of lots shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-105. Size of lot. The production lot size shall be as specified in the contract.
4.5.2 Examination. One hundred percent examination shall be performed for all critical
defects. Examination for major and minor defects shall be performed on a defect basis in
accordance with the classification of defects. Four power (4x) magnification may be used in
performing visual examination for such defects as burr and foreign matter. Inspection for rubber
O-rings shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-413. When compliance with the applicable requirement
is in doubt as a result of visual examination, the characteristic shall be measured or gaged to
determine acceptability. All nonconforming material shall be rejected. Key, Drawing 8593857, covering a detail of Drawing 8593874.
Method of Inspection
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