| ![]() MIL-T-46705E
Hardwood flooring shall be laid lengthwise and shall be supported directly on and attached to the
floor support members of the trailer frame with countersunk and corrosion-resistant bolts,
self-tapping screws or fasteners. The floor and fasteners shall be of adequate strength to
withstand, without damage, the rated payload distributed over the entire floor with trailer
operating under mobile conditions specified herein.
3.17 Platform, class B. The platform shall be a rectangular level surface, free from kick-up
or wheelhousings. Class B trailer shall have a formed steel floor of 16 gage (1.519 mm)
(0.0598 inch) steel. The floor pattern shall be of ribbed construction with ribs on l00 mm
(four inch) centers, with a rib valley not less than 19 mm (0.750 inches) deep. The top ends of
all ribs shall be flush with the siderails of the body. Corrugations shall be installed parallel with
or perpendicular to the trailer longitudinal axis. The floor shall be of adequate strength to
withstand, without damage, the rated payload distributed over the entire floor with trailer
operating under mobile conditions specified herein.
3.18 Slat sides. On type I, a removable rack section shall be provided at front and rear of
body; two removable rack sections shall be furnished on each side. On type II, two removable
rack sections shall be provided at both the front and the rear of the body; not less than three
removable rack sections shall be furnished on each side. Each rack section shall be equipped
with interlocking hardware. Each rack section shall be provided with positive locking devices to
fasten each rack to the body. The upright posts shall be hardwood conforming to and, with steel bound pocket ends having a base cross sectional dimension of not less than
1.625 by 2.5 inches, or shall be of 12 gage (2.657 mm) (0.1046 inch) formed reinforced steel
construction. Rack slats shall be hardwood conforming to and or shall be roll
formed steel. Slats shall be evenly spaced and not less than 75 mm (3 inches) in width. The total
of slat widths shall be not less than 60 percent of the rack height. Wood slats shall be not less
than 22 mm (0.875 inch) thick. Steel slats shall be roll formed 16 gage (1.519 mm)
(0.0598 inch) steel, having a formed thickness of not less than 19 mm (0.75 inch).
3.19 Tarpaulin. When specified (see 6.2), a fitted tarpaulin and tarpaulin tiedown devices
shall be provided to protect cargo from inclement weather. The color of the tarpaulin shall
harmonize with the vehicle exterior color. The tarpaulin shall be number 10 cotton duck with
double stitched seams or vinyl coated nylon material not less than 0.68 kilograms per square
meter (kg/m2) (20 ounces weight per square yard). The tarpaulin material shall be water
repellant and fire resistant. The tarpaulin shall cover the entire body when spread over a load
level with the top of the racks, and shall extend down the sides, front and rear to within 75 mm
(3 inches) of the platform. Manila tiedown ropes, 9.5 mm (0.375 inch) in diameter, shall be
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