| ![]() MIL-T-46780D(AT)
Federal Register, Volume 35 Number 219.
(Application for copies should be addressed to Environmental Protection Agency, Office
of the Administrator, Motor Vehicles, Washington, D.C.)
3.1 First production vehicle. The first production vehicle of each model to be delivered
under the contract shall be examined and tested as specified herein by Government personnel to
determine compliance with the requirements of this specification. Vehicles submitted by the
contractor shall be production models which are representative or the units to be delivered under
the contract.
3.1.1. Reliability. The vehicle Mean Miles Between Failure shall not be less than
2600 miles during the first 20,000 miles (11,400 miles for van models) or operation. A failure
for calculation of Mean Miles Between Failure (MMBF) shall when operated in accordance with
the conditions outlined in Table VI, VII and VIII as applicable to the respective models. A
failure for calculation of Mean Miles Between Failure (MMBF) shall be as defined by
CDC/AMC Wheel and Track Vehicle Mission Failure Definition, dated 27 March 1972. The
definition (excluding the amplification paragraph) reads:
a. A "failure" is defined as any malfunction of the end item that requires corrective
action which cannot be deferred:
(1) Until the next scheduled maintenance (exclusive of lubrication services) if
organizational maintenance is prescribed for correction, or--
(2) For the remainder of its specified life before overhaul, replacement, rebuild or
salvage (as applicable) if direct or general support maintenance is prescribed for
b. Corrective action is not deferrable if the malfunction causes (or would cause if not
(1) Inability to commence operation, cessation of operation or degradation of
performance capability of the end item below that required for the
accomplishment of its prescribed mission function, or--
(2) A critical or catastrophic hazard to personnel or equipment as defined by
c. Any malfunction which the operator or crew (user) can remedy will not be considered
a failure provided that the repair is authorized or prescribed as an operator function and can be
accomplished within 30 minutes using only controls, tools or spare parts incorporated in or
carried with the end item.
3.1.2 Durability. The vehicle with rated payload, shall have no less than .50 probability
of completing a minimum of 20,000 miles (11,400 miles for van models) of operation without
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