| ![]() MIL-T-46780D(AT) Piping and connections. Piping shall be provided with connections and gate
valves to permit gravity or pressure discharge. Piping shall be insulated, or protected within the
insulated space. Equipment cabinet. A weather-proof equipment cabinet shall be provided at the
rear of the tank body for housing the pump, manifold and control valves or valve handles as
necessary. The cabinet shall include a rack for three 25 foot lengths of 1 1/2-inch discharge
hose, and shall protect stowed equipment against road shock. Hose stowage tubes. Hose stowage tubes, for six 10-foot lengths of 2-inch water
suction hose, shall be installed along each side of the tank. These tubes may be incorporated in
the tank subframe structure. The interior of the tubes shall be free of sharp points or edges. Insulation jackets. The tank compartments shall be covered with fiberglass not
less than 1 1/2-inch in thickness. This insulation shall be covered with a jacket of sheet metal,
welded to the tank. At the top of the tank body, the jacket shall be level for a minimum width of
24 inches, and reinforced to form a catwalk on top of the body. This catwalk shall be flanged up
at the sides to form a hand-hold for personnel using the side catwalks. Heating chamber. A heating chamber shall be located underneath the tank,
within the insulated area, connected to the vehicle-engine exhaust system and provided with an
exhaust gas outlet. Valves shall be provided to direct the flow of exhaust gases through the
heating chamber. Precautionary instruction plate to be provided within vehicle cab (see 3.7.3). Catwalks. Self-cleaning grating or non-skid catwalks shall be furnished for each
side and shall be provided with side skirts, wheel cutouts and provision for installing tarpaulin
bows, without interfering with operation of tank equipment, and resembling the side end panels
of cargo trucks. The M35A2 cargo truck bows, covers, and end curtains shall be readily
installed. When specified (see 6.2), the bows, covers, and end curtains shall be furnished with
the tank body. The installed catwalks shall withstand stresses of lifting slings attached to bogie
lifting shackles. Equipment. All parts and equipment shall be furnished with the tank body. The
couplings, nozzles, strainer, and wrenches shall be stowed in the wooden tray furnished with the
equipment cabinet. Padlocks. Manhole and filler-opening covers shall be secured by padlocks
conforming to Standard MS-21313 with 2-1/2 inch shackle and chained to prevent loss. All
locks on each vehicle, including the locks on the cabinet doors, shall be operable by the same
key, furnished in duplicate for each vehicle. When specified (see 6.2) master keys shall be
3.3.9 Truck, maintenance pipeline construction M756A2 W/W. The truck maintenance
pipeline construction, M756A2 W/W, consisting of a body and access as shown on Corps of
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