| ![]() MIL-T-46780D(AT) Test Failure. Failure of the vehicle to comply with any of the requirements
specified or any deficiency of a workmanship or materials nature found on the vehicle during or
as a result of the 20,000 or 11,400 mile test as applicable, will be cause for rejection of the
vehicle. Further, the Government will refuse to continue acceptance of production vehicles until
evidence has been provided by the manufacturer that corrective action has been taken to
eliminate the deficiency. Any deficiency found during or as a result to 20,000 or 11,400 mile
test shall be prima facie evidence that all vehicles already accepted prior to completion of the
20,000 or 11 400 mile test are similarly deficient, unless evidence satisfactory to the contracting
officer is furnished by the contractor that they are not similarly deficient. Such deficiencies on
all vehicle shall be corrected by the contractor at no cost to the Government.
4.2 Inspection provisions.
4.2.1 Lot size. An inspection lot shall consist of all vehicles of one type from one day's
production, submitted at one time for acceptance inspection. Sampling for inspection. For the purpose of visual, dimensional and primary
functional inspection, a representative sample shall be selected from each inspection lot in
accordance with inspection level II of MIL-STD-105. Before sampling may be accomplished by
the contractor, the contractor shall 100% inspect the first 20 vehicles to establish a process
average (see 6.3) to allow normal sampling in accordance with MIL-STD-105. Examinations. Visual, dimensional, and primary functional examination shall
consist of examination of the vehicle for conformance to the applicable drawings and this
specification. Examination shall be performed against the classification of defects and with the
acceptable quality levels shown in Table IX and Table X. The following constitutes a part of the
classification of defects (see 6.4 and 6.5)
(a) Any drip constitutes a major defect when the vehicle has been standing idle and
the components are at ambient temperature.
(b) Any droplet that occurs at a static fit metal to metal or gasket combination shall
constitute a major defect.
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