| ![]() MIL-T-48409A(MU)
4.5 Inspection equipment. - Except as otherwise provided for by the
contract, the contractor shall supply and maintain inspection equipment
in accordance with the applicable requirements of MIL-I-45607.
4.5.1 Government furnished inspection equipment. - When the contract
provides for Government furnished test equipment, supply and maintenance
of test equipment shall be in accordance with applicable requirements
specified in MIL-I-45607.
4.5.2 Contractor furnished inspection equipment. - Government design. - All inspection equipment specified by
drawing number in specifications or SQAP forming a part of the contract
shall be supplied by the contractor in accordance with technical data
included in the technical data package list. Contractor design. - The contractor shall design and supply
inspection equipment compatible with the "Test Methods and Procedures"
specified in 4.6 of this specification and with the component inspection
procedures specified in "Examination" and "Test Facilities" requirements
of MIL-F-13926. Since tolerance of test equipment is normally considered
to be within 10% of the product tolerance for which it is intended, this.
inherent error in the test equipment design must be considered as part of
the prescribed product tolerance limit. Thus, concept, construction,
materials, dimensions and tolerances used in the design of test equipment
shall be so selected and controlled as to insure that the test equipment
will reliably indicate acceptability of a product which does not exceed
90% of the prescribed tolerance limit, and permit positive rejection when
non-conforming. Construction shall be such as to facilitate routine cali-
bration of test equipment.
4.6 Test methods and Procedures.
4.6.1 Interchangeability. - This test shall be performed utilizing
an electronic enclosure assembly, Drawing 11737724, to meet the require-
ments of 3.3.1.
4.6.2 Environmental. - The assemblies shall be thoroughly examined
for physical defects after each environmental test. A visual and tactile
examination shall be made for missing parts and physical damage. Upon
completion of all environmental tests, the assemblies shall be subjected
to the tests specified in 4.6.1 and 4.6.3. Storage temperatures. - The test equipment utilized in this
test shall be in accordance with the "Test Facilities" requirements of
MIL-F-13926. The test shall be performed as specified in Procedure II
of MIL-F-13926 at the temperature specified in
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