| ![]() MIL-T-48578(MU)
5. Preparation for Delivery.
5.1 Packaging, packing and marking. - Packaging, packing, and
marking shall be in accordance with Pakaging Data Sheet l1746409
Trainer, Field Artillery; Direct Fire (Laser) The level of protection
shall be as specified in the contract.
6. Notes.
6.1 Intended use. - The artillery trainer is an adaptation of the
M55 Laser Tank Gunnery Trainer for direct five training of artillery
howitzer sections. (105-MM Howitzer M102 Towed, 105MM Howitzer M101
series towed, 155MM Howitzer M14A1. Towed, 155MM Howitzer M109A1 self-
propelled, 105MM Howitzer XM204 Towed, 155MM Howitrzer XM198 Towed). The
trainer will provide year-around training of section personnel in standard
direct fire techniques while engaging both stationary and moving targets
on a scale range. The trainer will allow realistic firing exercises to
be conducted in garrison, without having to move howitzers to a live
firing range and without expending either sub caliber or service ammunition.
6.2 Ordering Data. - Procurement docummts should specify the
a. Title, number and date of specification
b. Applicable packing data sheet (See 5.1)
c. Selection of applicable levels of preservation, packaging
and packing.
d. Applicable stock number.
e. Requirements for First Article submission which may
include additional tests selected by the procuring
Preparing Activity:
Army - MU
Army - MU
Project number 1240-A671
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