| ![]() MIL-T-48604(MU)
3.6 Environmental requirements. -The laser tube assembly, when sub-
jected to the environmental tests specified herein, shall be mounted as
shown in Figure 2, and shall not be damaged, degraded or rendered inop-
erative by the specified conditions.
3.6.1 Storage temperature. - The tube assembly shall show no evidence
of damage or degradation of performance after being subjected to storage
temperatures of -65 F and +155F.
3.6.2 Operating temperature. - The tube assembly shall meet all per-
formance requirements of this specification while exposed and thermally
stabilized at temperatures of 0F and 100F.
3.6.3 Vibration. - The tube assembly shall be mounted as shown in Fig-
ure 2, and vibrated in two directions parallel and perpendicular to the
tube axis. The frequency shall be varied from 5 to 500 HZ in 15 minutes,
then decreased in 15 minutes, for a total time of 30 minutes per cycle.
The acceleration shall be held to 2.5G's maximum throughout the frequency
cycle. The laser tube shall be operated throughout the vibration test and
the power output monitored, and then meet all of the requirements of 3.5.1
and 3.7.1 to 3.7.6.
3.6.4 Shock. - The tube assembly shall be mounted as shown in Figure 2,
and shock three times in 4 directions (perpendicular and parallel to tube
axis), tor a total of 12 shock pulses. The shock pulse shall have a wave-
form of approximately a half sine wave, a peak amplitude of 75G's, and a
time duration of 11 milliseconds, and then meet the requirements of 3.5.1
and 3.7.1 to 3.7.6.
3.6.5 Humidity. - The tube assembly shall not be damaged or perform-
ance degraded by exposure to 95% relative humidity for a period of 24
hours, and subsequently shall meet the performance requirements of 3.7.1
through 3.7.9.
3.6.6 Altitude storage. - The tube assembly shall not be damaged or
performance degraded by exposure to pressure conditions of 50,000 feet,
and subsequently shall meet the performance requirements of 3.5.1 and
3.7.1 to 3.7.6.
3.7 Performance.
3.7.1 Starting voltahge. - The starting voltage shall not exceed 8,000
VDC and shall not be damaged or performance degraded by starting voltages
up to 12,000 VDC.
3.7.2 Starting time. - The starting time shall not exceed 100 milli-
seconds measured from application of the starting voltage to when the
power output of the laser beam reaches 90% of its steady state value.
3.7.3 Power output. - The power output of the laser beam shall be
1.5 .5 milli-watts at 632.8 nano-meters wavelength.
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