| ![]() MIL-T-48604(MU)
4.6.3 Shock. - To determine compliance with 3.6.4, the test shall be
performed accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 516.1, Procedure 1, Fig-
ure 516.1-2, at 75 G's for 11 milliseconds. After the shock tests the
tube assemblies shall be subjected to the performance tests of
and 4.7.1 through 4.7.6 inclusive to determine compliance with the require-
ments of 3.5.1 and 3.7.1 through 3.7.6.
4.6.4 Humidity. - To determine compliance with 3.6.5, the test shall
be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 507, Procedure I, with
the following excption. The test duration. shall be a minumum of 24 hours
at 95% relative humidity and limited to one cycle. Subsequently the tube
assemblies shall be subjected to performance tests of 4.7.1 through 4.7.9
inclusive to determine compliance with the requirements of 3.7.1 through
4.6.5 Altitude.- 4.6.5 Altitude. - To determine compliance with 3.6.6, the test shall
be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 500, Procedure 1. Sub-
sequent to this test the tube assemblies shall be subjected to the perform-
ance tests of 4.7.1 through 4.7.6 inclusive to determine compliance with
the requirements of 3.7.1 through 3.7.6.
4.7 Performance characteristics. - Compliance with 3.7 shall be de-
termined by means of tests specified in 4.7.1 through 4.7.10. The tests
shall be performed utilizing a power (high voltage) supply simulating
that shown on Drawing F11739861. The high voltage power supply shall be
capable of varying the output voltage of between 5 KVDC to 12 KVDC to an
accuracy or +100 VDC unloaded. Means shall be provided to dump the full
voltage across the laser tube assembly. The voltage drop across tube
assembly during lasing shall be measured to an accuracy of 50 VDC. The
current shall be measured to an accuracy of 0.1 milliamps D.C. An os-
cilloscope shall be connected such that the time between the applied volt-
age and the resulting laser output can be measured. A He-Ne power meter
capable of measuring 2 mini-watts and having an external commector for
an oscilloscope shall be provided to measure the waveform of the laser
pulse as seen by the detector. The power meter shall be capable of meas-
uring 638.8 Nanometers laser power to 0.10 mini-watt accuracy. All
test equipment shall be calibrated and traceable to the National Bureau
of Standards.
If the laser tube fails to lase or has insufficient power output
allow a maximum of 30 minutes warm up time before performing 4.7.1
thru 4.7.10.
4.7.1 Starting voltage. - Utilizing the test equipment,specified in
4.7, apply 7.5 KVDC across tube assembly. View the power wave form on the
scope. The output power shall meet the requirement of 3.7.3 within the
time specified in 3.7.2. If tube does not lase with 7.5 KVDC applied, in-
crease the voltage to 8 KVDC.Measure power output and starting time to
determine compliance with the requirement of 3.7.1. subsequent to Success-
fully passing the previous test, the voltage shall be increased to 12 KVDC
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