| MIL-T-48621A (AR)
u. Disconnect true RMS voltmeter and connect noise generator
output to MPA-35 amplifier aux. in port.
v. Set MPA-35 master volume to 10 and tone dial to 10 and
adjust phono/aux dial for black center line reading on
noise Indicator meter of AN/PSM-44. MeaSUre and record
voltage on true RMS meter across the speaker. Spec limit
6.0 volts min. Reference attenuator.
a. Connect equipment as shown in Figure 5.
b. Set noise tester RF-1evel fUlly counterclockwise and ON/OFF
switch to ON. AllOW 10 minutes warmup. Observe that power
indicator illuminated.
co Set MODE switch to INTL TEST.
d. Set OPER/TEST switch to +12VA. The NOISE INDICATOR meter
needle should remain in black band.
e. Set OPER/TEST switch to +12VB. The NOISE INDICATOR meter
needle should remain in black band.
f. Set CAIN ADJ control fully clockwise.
9* Set OPER/TEST SWitCh to BD 1 TEST.
h. Depress and hold OSC/TEST pushbutton and set REF LEVEL
control until the NOISE INDICATOR meter needle Is at center
line. Release the OSC/TEST pushbutton.
i. The meter needle should remain within the blue band.
j.. Repeat steps h and i for the BD 2 TEST and BD 3 TEST
positions of tie OPER/TEST switch.
k. Set MODE switch to EXT TEST and OPEWTEST switch to +12VA.
1. Set REF LEVEL control for a 1.0 V p-p signal as observed on
oscilloscope ,
m. Set OPER/TEST switch to BD1.
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