| ![]() MIL-T-50382(MU)
of the head.
3.7.3 Plumb travel. - With the telescope positioned as in 3.7.1, the
line of sight shall follow a plumb line (starting with the line of sight
horizontal and in coincidence with the plumb line) within 0.5 mil when
the head prism is depressed a minimum of 300 mils and elevated 300 mils
from the horizontal when checked at any deflection setting.
3.7.4 Parallelism of reticle and image. - With the telescope position
ed as in 3.7.1, the vertical reticle line shall be parallel to the image
of a plumb line within 30 minutes of arc at any deflection setting.
3.7.5 Level travel. - With the telescope positioned as in 3.7.1,
the line of sight shall not deviate from a horizontal target line by more
than 1.0 mil (total excursion of 2 mils when the head is rotated through.
two revolutions. Lift. - Vertical displacement of the line of sight due to
reversing direction of rotation of the head shall not exceed 1.0 roil.
3.7.6 Deflection error. Throughout 800 mil steps. - Error at deflection readings in
800 mil steps throughout two full revolutions of the head in one direction
shall not exceed 1.0 mil including backlash. The total spread between
the greatest positive error and the greatest negative error shall not
exceed 1.0 mil. The total error, excluding backlash, between the 6400
mil azimuth counter reading and the reset counter for any one number shall
not exceed 0.25 mil. Throughout 15 mil steps. - Error at deflection readings in
15 mil steps taken at eight random positions throughout one full revolution
of the head shall not exceed 0.2 mil excluding backlash at each position. Backlash. - Backlash in the deflection mechanism shall not
exceed 0.5 mil when read on the 6400 mil azimuth counter and 0.75 mil
when read on the reset counter. Backlaxh in the elevating mechanism shall
not exceed 1.0 mil.
3.7.7 Eyepiece focus. - Eyepiece focus of the horizontal reticle
line and vertical reticle line at the center of the field shall each be
within the limits of 0.75 and 1.0 diopters.
3.7.8 Resolution. - Resolution on the optical axis shall be 15
seconds of arc or less when using an auxiliary telescope of at least 3
power having an entrance pupil of at least 0.4 inch. Resolution shall
consist of detectable line structure and proper line count in all 4
meridians. Variation in focus between meridians shall not exceed 0.25
diopters as measured at the panoramic eyepiece.
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