| ![]() MIL-T-50382(MU) Counter operation. Gunner aid counters. - This test may be accomplished with
the panoramic telescope positioned as outlined in 4.7.1 with the line of
sight falling upon the projector collimators' reticle as outlined in Observe and record the azimuth test fixture reading. Set any
correction reading into either the "L" or "R" counter. Any reading induced
Into the right "R" gunner's aid counter shall increase the reset counter
an equal amount and any reading induced into the left "L" gunner's aid
counter shall decrease the reset counter an equal amount to assure compliance
with When 50 mils has been inserted into either gunner's aid
counter, the reset counter shall reflect an increase or decrease of 50 mils
within the limits outlined in and the correction counter shall
have traveled the minimum excursion outlined in 3.8.2 and the 6400 mil
counter shall remain unchanged (see The test for accuracy shall
be performed by inserting a correction into either the "L" or "R" gunner's
aid counter and observing the appropriate change in the reset counter.
Turn the azimuth fixture plate to. traverse the line of sight in a clockwise
direction an equal amount when a correction is placed into the "L" counter
By means of the azimuth knob of the panoramic telescope, traverse the line
of sight in the opposite direction until the reset counter records 3200
mils. Now sight through the panoramic telescope and observe coincidence
between the panoramic telescope's optical axis and the point on the projec-
tor collimator's reticle established in This coincidence must
be maintained with the limits specified in Repeat this procedure
at two additional correction readings and at the 50 mil correction setting
of each gunner's aid counter. Deflection error, backlash and 15 mil settings. With the
panoramic telescope positioned as outlined In 4.7.1, rotate the azimuth
fixture plate 800 mils. Sight through the panoramic telescope and rotate
the azimuth knob in the opposite direction until the line of sight falls
in coincidence with the position outlined in Do not override
this point of coincidence. Record deflection counter reading and reset
counter reading. Both should be in conformance with Rotate the
deflection knob one complete revoltution and return the line of sight to
the previously established position and observe deflection and reset counter
readings. This difference, if any, is backlash and shall not exceed the
limits of Rotate the azimuth plate an additional 15 mils and
repeat above procedure. When coincidence is obtained observe deflection
and reset counter readings. Coincidence must conform to the limits outlined
in Repeat the 15 mil check after each 800 mil setting. Level travel. - This test may be performed in conjunction
with the deflection test outlined in The test is performed by
sighting through the panoramic telescope after a selected azimuth setting
has been inserted into the fixture and panoramic telescope, observe coinci-
dence between the telescope horizontal reticle line and the horizontal
target line near the optical axis. They must coincide within the limits
outlined in 3.7.5.
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