| ![]() MIL-T-50382(MU)
scopes's azimuth mechanism in one direction and toe rotating surface of
the test fixture in the opposite direction to obtain the point of coincidence
mentioned above. Elevation backlash. - This test can be performed in conjunc-
tion with the previous test by sighting through the panoramic telescope and
by means of the elevation knob raise or lower the line of sight to a
selected line on the target (do not override this target line) and scribe
a line on the head casting in line with the index on the elevation knob.
Rotate the elevation knob past this selected target line and return to
the coincided lines mentioned and observe where the optical axis (line of
sight) falls with respect to the previously selected target line. This This
difference, if any, as measured by the thickness of the reticle line,
shall not exceed the limits outlined in Operability. - When the panoramic telescope has been stabilized
at the extreme operating temperatures specified in 3.9.2, tactile inspection
techniques shall be used to determine compliance outlined in 3.9.2. Torque. - Torque tests shall be performed under temperature
conditions outlined in 3.9.1. The torque tests shall be performed using
a torque wrench and appropriate adapter. The torque readings obtained
shall conform to the limits specified in 3.9.1. Illumination. Reticle illumination. - Place the instrument in a dark room
having a controlled light source. The observer and instrument must become
dark adapted. Prior to performing the test, place a white matted surface
approximately 2 feet from the telescope window. Perform the test by
observing reticle pattern and determine that this pattern is clearly
discernible by means of the self-illuminating source in the dark room.
Gradually raise the level of illumination to where the pattern becomes
indiscernable. Place a fixed stop having an aperture as specified in 3.10.1
over the objective window and observe that the reticle pattern is again
clearly discernible by means of the self-illuminating source. Raise ambient
the level of illumination to 10 foot candle, remove the fixed stop and
observe the teticle pattern. It shall appear as when viewed in ambient
light condition to assure conformance with 3.10.1. Counter illumination. - Place the instrument in a dark room
having a controlled light source. The observer and instrument must become
dark adapter. After being adapted to the darkness, the observer shall
visually examine the counter numbers and lines. They must be clearly
discernible to assure conformance with 3.10.2. Gradually raise the ambient
level of light in the dark room 1 foot candle of illumination in the area
of the counter. The counter numbers and lines shall be clearly discernible
to assure conformance with 3.10.2.
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