| MIL-T-51289B(EA) Miscellaneous metal components, fittings, pressure relief control
lever and pump lever handle. Unpainted external metal surfaces shall be coated
with P-9 preservative. Hydraulic pump and components. The pump, preserved in accordance
with, shall be wrapped in barrier material conforming to type I, grade
A of MIL-B-121 and then placed in a snug fitting fiberboard box conforming to
type CF, class weather-resistant.
ney type fiberboard cell structure shall extend between the bottom flange of
the tank and the top of the box to support the pump and tank assembly. The
pump lever shall be placed in the down position. The pump lever and pressure
release control lever shall have preservative areas covered by barrier material
cited above and then wrapped in paperboard cushioning material conforming to
type 111 of PPP-P-291, secured in place with tape conforming to PPP.T-76. The
unattached fittings, preserved in accordance with, shall be wrapped in
barrier material cited above, except the pipe nipple shall have the threaded
ends only covered and secured with above cited tape. The valve, lever, and
fittings shall be included in the fiberboard box with the pump and tank.
Cushioning material conforming to type 11, class B of PPP-c-843 shall be used
to restrict free movement of the contents. The box shall be closed and water-
proofed in accordance with the appendix to PPP-B-636. The pump lever handle
requires no packaging. Valve and hose assembly. The valve and hose assembly, preserved in
accordance with, shall have preservative-treated areas wrapped in bar-
rier material, same as previously used. The hose shall then be compactly
coiled, without kinking, and packaged in a snug-fitting fiberboard box conform-
ing to type CF, class weather-resistant, variety SW, grade W6C of PPP-B-636.
Cushioning material, same as previously used, shall be used to restrict free
movement of the hose. The box shall be closed and waterproofed in accordance
with the appendix to PPP-B-636. Gage, bleeder valve assembly and "O" ring gaskets. Two "O" ring gas-
kets shall be sealed in a polyethylene bag, 0.004 inch minimum thickness. A
paperboard stiffener shall be included in the bag to prevent deformation of the
gaskets. The gage and bleeder valve assembled and the gaskets shall be pack-
aged in accordance with method IIb. Preservative is not required. Cushioning
material, same as previously used, shall be used to prevent damage and restrict
free movement of the items. The outer box shall conform to type CF, class
weather-resistant, variety SW, grade W6C of PPP-B-636. Test stand assembly. The test stand assembly shall be packaged in a
snug-fitting fiberboard box coforming to type CF, class weather-resistant,
variety SW, grade W5c of PPP-B-636. Cushioning material, same as previously
used, shall be used to prevent free movement of the test stand. The box shall
be closed and waterproofed in accordance with the appendix to PPP-B-636.
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