| MIL-T-52843C Nuclear-biological-chemical (NBC) protection The forklift
shall be tested in accordance with test method No. 34. Nonconformance
to 3.38 shall constitute failure of this test. Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) The Government will
evaluate the schematics and electrical diagrams to determine possible
problem areas that may be encountered on the end item. When specified
(see 6.2), first article forklift shall be subjected to non-
destructive EMP testing by the Government at a Government facility. DCA capability. The contractor will perform a 100 percent
visual inspection of all DCA wiring harnesses prior to installation
on the forklift to insure wires and connections are free of error.
After installation on the forklift, test the DCA harness (reference
chapter 5 of design guide for DCA) on each vehicle with the DCA
tester (GFE) prior to interfacing with STE/ICE as required under Nonconformance to 3.41 shall constitute failure of the
DCA. DCA - STE/ICE interfaces. Upon completion of inspection
and tests specified in, test the DCA for all measurements
specified in 3.41 using STE/ICE. Nonconformance to 3.41 shall
constitute failure of DCA. Heater. The heater shall be tested in accordance with SAE
J1129. Nonconformance to 3.27.4 shall constitute failure of this
4.7 Inspection comparison. The Government-may select forklifts at
any time during the contract production period and subject these
forklifts to the examination specified in 4.6.1 and column 1 of table
III, and to the tests marked "X" in column 1 of table IV to determine
conformance to the requirements of this specification. The inspection
will be performed by the Government, at a site selected by the
Government, on units selected at random from those which have been
accepted by the Government and will not include the previously
inspected first article forklifts. In addition to any test specified
as part of the inspection comparison, the Government reserves the
right to conduct any and all other tests contained in this
specification as part of the inspection comparison and failure of
such additional tests shall have the same effect as failure of those
tests specified as inspection comparison.
4.7.1 Inspection failure. Failure of an inspection comparison
forklift to meet any requirement specified herein during and as a
result of the examination and tests specified in 4.7 shall be cause
for rejection of the inspection comparison forklift(s) and shall be
cause for refusal by the Government to continue acceptance of
production forklifts until evidence has been provided by the
contractor that corrective action has been taken to eliminate the
deficiencies. Correction of such deficiencies shall be accomplished
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