| ![]() MIL-T-52953C
at that point. Side pallet stacks shall be one pallet load (48
inches plus the height of the pallet) high.
Test procedure:
Each truck shall complete 4,000 circuits of the test course as detailed
The light switch shall be turned "off" and "on" at the beginning of
each lap and upon entering each pallet area.
The truck under test s hall begin each lap at the point labeled
"START" on figure 1. As the operator starts the truck, he shall
operate the horn for approximately 1 second. On lap number 1, the
truck shall proceed in a forward direction, following the centerline
along the portion of the course marked "a" until it reaches the first
pallet area. The rated load will have been placed in this location
on the stack marked "X".
The truck shall make a 90-degree right-hand turn in one motion
without backing, proceed to the face of the pallet stack marked "X",
raise forks to maximum fork height so hydraulic relief valve is
activated, then adjust fork height and remove the loaded pallet. The
truck shall back out of the stack aisle into the main aisle, making a
90-degree left-hand turn in one motion, without going forward, and
proceed rearward along the main aisle in the portion of the course
marked "B" until it reaches the second pallet area.
The truck shall proceed rearward to a point beyond the pallet area
opening, reverse its direction, and move forward to the face of the
pallet stack marked "Y", making the 90-degres right-hand turn in one
motion without backing. The rated load shall be placed on top of the
pallet stack marked "Y".
The truck shall back out of the stack aisle i nto the rain aisle,
making the 90-degree left-hand turn in one motion without going
forward, and proceed forward along the main aisle in the portion of
the course marked "C" until it reaches the third pallet area.
The truck shall rake a 90-degree right- hand turn in one motion
without backing and pick up rated load which has been placed in the
location marked "Z". The truck shall back out into the main aisle,
making the 90-degree right-hand turn in one motion, and proceed
further along the main aisle in the portion of the course marked "D"
until it reaches the portion of the course marked "E", containing the
obstacle blocks.
The obstacle blocks shall be traversed by the truck being driven
through this area in a straight line so that its left wheels pass
over the first block and the right wheels pass over the second block.
This part of the test may be conducted at low speed with the
transmission in low range. However, the truck shall not be stopped
prior to or while going over the blocks.
The truck shall proceed further along the rain aisle in the portions
of the course marked "F" and "G" until it reaches the position on the
ramp labeled "Stopping Point". The driver shall stop the truck and
then resume ascending the ramp. After the top of the ramp is
reached, proceed along the main aisle in the portion of the course
marked "J", "K", and "L".
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