| MIL-T-5578C
identification in accordance with MIL-STD-
the cell shall be satisfactory throughout the
130. The following special marking shall be
temperature range of -65 to 160F.
3.8 Weight. The weight of production cells
shall be within 5 percent of the average weight
(a) Aircraft contractor
of the first 10 production cells. If, during the
(b) Aircraft model(s) and cell location
production of cells, the weight consistently ex-
(c) Specification MIL-T-5578C
ceeds the tolerance on one side of the production
(d) Month and year of manufacture
weight, the procuring activity shall be so in-
The nameplate shall be located on the cell in
formed, and all pertinent data shall be supplied
such a position that when the tank is installed
including a recommendation for anew produc-
in the aircraft, the nameplate shall be readily
tion weight, the reason for exceeding the weight
accessible and visible after removal of aircraft
tolerances, and a log of the cell weights for re-
access panels, deck doors, etc.
view and establishment of a new production
3.12 Age. Cells shall be not more than 2
yearn old from date of initial cure to data of
3.9 Finish.
installation in the aircraft or delivery to the
3.9.1 External surfaces. The external sur-
procuring activity.
faces of cells shall be protected against the ac-
3.13 Workmanship. Workmanship shall
tion of ozone and fluid conforming to MIL-S-
be in accordance with manufacturing practices
3136, type III, by a suitable lacquer or equiva-
covering this type of equipment.
lent coating.
3.9.2 Steel parts. Exposed non-corrosion-
resisting steel parts shall be protected against
corrosion by cadmium plating, in accordance
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless
with QQ-P-416, type II.
otherwise specified in the contract or purchase
3.9.3 Aluminum-alloy parts. Aluminum al-
order, the supplier is responsible for the per-
loy parts, except those which are fully molded
formance of all inspection requirements as
inserts, shall be analyzed in accordance with
specified herein. Except as otherwise specified,
MIL-A-8625 or treated in. accordance with
the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any
MIL-C-5541, and then coated with a permanent
commercial laboratory acceptable to the Gov-
resin in accordance with MIL-C-6800. If
ernment. The Government reserve the right to
necessary to prevent porosity, parts shall be
treated in accordance with MIL-STD-276. If
perform any of the inspections set forth in the
required, to provide a path across the part for
specification where such inspections are deemed
electrical current, the film may be removed
necessary to assure supplies and services con-
form to prescribed requirements.
3.10 Markings
4.2 Classification of tests. The inspection
3.10.1 Access door covers. The exterior sur-
and testing of fuel tanks shall be classified as
face of all access door covers shall be durably
and legibly marked "Outside".
(a) Preproduction tests---------- ------- (4.3)
3.10.2 Assembly torque. The torque values
(b) Quality conformance tests-------- (4.4)
required to assemble the fittings and accessories
4.3 Preproduction tests. The preproduc-
to the cell shall be durably and legibly marked
tion tests shall consist of phase I and phase II
on or adjacent to each fitting or accessory in-
preproduction testing. (See and 4.3.2,2.)
volved. In cases where the torque required to
4.3.1 Phase I preproduction testing. For
assemble all fittings and accessories is the same,
the purpose of this specification, phase I tests
the proper torque value need be stenciled in only
are those tests accomplished on samples of ma-
one place provided it is visible when any access
terials and construction to be used in the manu-
door is removed.
facture of self-sealing or dual construction fuel
3.11 Identification of product. Equip-
ment assemblies, and parts shall be marked for
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