| ![]() MIL-T-60826B(MU)
4.5.2 .3.2.2 Reticle wander, reticle lean, image tilt and reticle
image shift. - The testing equipment used for these tests shall be accurate
within six minutes. Force requirements (disengagement). - Testing equipment
for measuring direct force (pull) with a minimum range of zero to ten
pounds, the accuracy of which shall be plus or minus two ounces throughout
the entire zone of excursion, shall be utilized. The testing equipment
shall be equipped with suitable adapters to accommodate testing of the
diopter knob and boresight knobs. Torque requirements. - A torque wrench type tester with
a minimum range from zero to ten inch pounds, the accuracy of which shall
be plus or minus two inch ounces throughout the entire zone of excursion,
and a torque wrench type tester with a minimum range from zero to one
hundred foot pounds, the accuracy of which shall be plus or minus one-
half foot pound throughout the entire zone of excursion, shall be utilized.
The testing equipment shall be equipped with suitable adapters to accom-
modate testing of the diopter knob, objective tube and the boresight knobs. Set-up and calibration. - Rigidity, stabiliuty, ease of
maintenance, and adaptability of set-up and calibration equipment with
complete provisions are also prime requirements. All set-up and claibra-
tion equipment necessary for certification of the testing equipment
accuracy shall be furnished and will become a part of the testing equipment.
4.6 Test methods and procedures.
4.6.1 Storage temperature. - The testing equipment utilized in this
test shall be in accordance with the "Test Facilities" requirements of
MIL-F-13926 and the conditions of 3.3.1. The telescope shall be exposed
to each temperature extreme specified in 3.3.1 for a minimum of 5 hours.
After each temperature exposure the telescope shall be stabilized in an
ambienbt temperature between +60 and +90 Fahrenheit (F) and subjected
to the visual, tactile, and audible examination of The telescope
shall conform to the requirements of 3.3.1. Caution shall be exercised
during this test to avoid subjecting the telescope to thermal shock.
4.6.2 Extreme operating temperature. - The testing equipment utilized
in this test shall be in accordance with the "Test Facilities" requirements
of MIL-F-13926 and the conditions of 3.3.2. The telescope shall be exposed
to each temperature extreme specified in 3.3.2 for a period of 5 hours.
At the end of each 5 hour period, and while still at the temperature
extreme, the telescope shall be subjected to the applicable test of 4.6.8
through 4.6.15 inclusive. The telescope shall conform to the requirements
of 3.3.2. Caution shall be exercised during this test to avoid subjecting
the telescope to thermal shock.
4.6.3 Vibration. - Vibrating equipment capable of providing the ampli-
tude and frequency specified in 3.3.3 shall be utilized for this test. The
vibrating equipment shall also be capable of vibrating the telescope along
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