| ![]() MIL-T-60826B(MU) Eyepiece focus. - Actuate the reticle selector switch to
illuminate the conventional reticle. The test shall be made with the aid
of a calibrated dioptometer having a magnification of at least 3 power (3X),
and a diopter measuring range of at least plus or minus 4 diopters. Adjust
the dioptometer eyepiece for best focus of the dioptometer reticle, and set
the dioptometer diopter scale to zero. Position the dioptometter at the eye-
piece of the telescope. While viewing through the dioptometer, obtain best
focus of the conventional reticle pattern by rotation of the eyepiece assemb-
ly of the telescope. Rotation of the eyepiece assembly to measure the ac-
curacy of the zero setting of the diopter scale shall be made with backlash
removed for direction of travel. The telescope reticle pattern shall be in
best focus within the zero diopter tolerance specified in, as meas-
ured on the telescope diopter scale. Remove the dioptometer at the tele-
scope eyepiece. Rotate the eyepiece assembly of the telescope to the zero
diopter position as indicated on the diopter scale. From this zero diopter
position rotate the eyepiece assembly to its clockwise stop and note the
diopter scale setting, then rotate the eyepiece assembly to its counter-
clockwise stop and note the diopter scale. The eyepiece focus adjustment
range shall conform to the requirements specified in, as measured
on the diopter scale of the telescope. Reticle accuracy. - Actuate the reticle selector switch
to illuminate the conventional reticle. The test for reticle accuracy
shall be performed in accordance with MIL-O-13830. The angular subtense
for the reticle pattern between the zero and maximum range marks shall not
exceed the tolerance specified in, as measured on the target. Parallax. - The test shall be performed with the diopter
knob of the telescope set for best focus of the telescope reticle, and
the parallax adjustment set as specified. The line of sight through each
reticle (conventional and missile) in the telescope shall be directed to
calibrated targets located at 600 meters, 1200 meters and infinity.
Parallax is any apparent movement of the reticle lines in relation to
the target image when the observer's head is moved from side to side or
up and down. Parallax at the center of the field of view for each reticle
(conventional and missile) shall be recorded. Parallax between each
reticle and the target image, and parallax between retitles (conventional
and missile) shall not exceed the applicable tolerance specified in
Upon completion of this test return the target collimator to the focus
established in 4.6.7. Parallelism of missile reticle and image. - Actuate the
reticle selector switch to illuminate the missile reticle. Sight through
the eyepiece of the telescope and obtain coincidence of one end of the
telescope's horizontal reticle line with that of the horizontal target
line image. Then observe for coincidence at the opposite end of the
horizontal line. The horizontal reticle line shall be parallel to
horizontal target line image within the tolerance specified in,
as measured on the target. Deviation shall be noted and recorded.
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