| MIL-T-60895(MU)
Packaging of Telescope, Panoramic: M117A1
(Copies of specificaiton, standards, drawings and packaging data sheets
required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions
should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the
contracting officer.)
3.1 Fabrication. - The telescope shall be manufactured in accordance
with Drawing F7660400 and drawings pertaining thereto.
3.2 General specification. - The contractor shall be responsible for
adherence to and compliance with the requirements of Specification MIL-F-13926
specified below. Should any conflict exist between the general specifica-
tion and this specification, this specification shall take precedence.
Order of precedence.
Dimensions and tolerances.
Inorganic protective surface finishes.
Electrical and electronic assemblies.
Part identification and marking.
3.3 Environmental.
3.3.1 Storage temperatures.- The telescope shall show no evidence of
physical failure or damage subsequent to being exposed to and thermally
stabilized at -80 and +160F.
3.3.2 Extreme operating temperatures. - The telescope shall meet the
applicable requirements of and 3.9 while exposed to and thermally
stabilized at -40 and +150F.
3.3.3 Standard temperature. - Unless otherwise specified, the tele-
scope shall meet the following requirements while exposed to and thermally
stabilized at a temperature between 60 and 90F.
3.3.4 Vibration. - The telescope shall show no evidence of physical
failure or damage and shall meet the following requirements, except, after being subjected to a vibration of 30 5 cycles per second
at an amplitude of 1/16 inch, 1/8 1/64 inch total excursion, for a
period of 5 minutes 5 seconds (see
3.4 Sealing.
3.4.1 Pressure (optical syustem). - The entire interior area of the
optical assembly shall be capable of withstanding an internal pressure of
5 0.10 pounds per square inch (psi) for a period of 5 minutes with no
evidence of leakage.
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