| ![]() MIL-T-62032H
and in effect prior to completion of the vehicle. Tank bodies and equipment for type III and IV
vehicles shall conform to NFPA No. 407. In the event of conflict between referenced
specification requirements for type III and IV vehicles, NFPA No. 407 shall take final
3.5.1 Tank capacity. The liquid capacity of the tank shall conform to 1.2.2 for the
specified size of vehicle, plus not less than 3 percent extra capacity for expansion. In addition,
the height from the top of the liquid cargo to the bottom of the automatic vent(s), with the tank
fully loaded and the liquid then expanded 3 percent, shall be adequate to prevent any fluid from
exiting from or being trapped in the automatic vent(s) with the vent(s) open and the vehicle
parked on a 5 percent grade, headed first up and then down the grade.
3.5.2 Material and construction. The tank shall conform to 49 CFR, sections 178.340
and 178.341 of MC-306. The tank shall be fabricated of type 304 stainless steel in accordance
with 49 CFR, section 178.340-3, except that mild steel, high strength low alloy steel, or
combinations of these steels with austenitic stainless steel shall not be furnished. All tank filler
openings and vents shall be protected against overturn damage by a rigid member or members
firmly fixed to the tank in accordance with paragraph 4-6.3 of NFPA No. 407 and 49 CFR,
section 178.340-8. Adequate hold-down devices shall be provided to anchor the product fuel
tank in a suitable manner that will not introduce an undue concentration of stresses, and shall
withstand loadings in any direction, of a magnitude not less than the weight of the tank and
attachments when filled with product fuel. Except for the welding of mild steel to stainless steel
as permitted elsewhere herein, effective means shall be taken to impede electrolytic action
between all dissimilar metals used in the vehicle. Teflon packing and tape shall not be used on
adjacent parts that are of aluminum content. The tank and all associated fittings, components
and piping shall be free of all dirt, dust, loose scale and petroleum-soluble coating.
3.5.3 Tank shape. The length of the tank shall be such as to give a load distribution
proportional to the GAWRs of the front and rear axles of the chassis supplied, based on a product
density of 7.2 pounds per gallon. The tank shall have a low silhouette, elliptical, or modified
rectangular cross-section, with the top edge of the roll-over rail within 6 inches of the height of
the cab roof.
3.5.4 Baffles. Where the provisions of 49 CFR, section 178.340, would require
circumferential reinforcements, baffles shall be used in lieu of ring stiffeners. Baffles shall be
flanged and dished. A half round or full round opening of not less than 3-inch radius shall be
provided at the bottom of the baffles. Openings of equivalent size shall be provided at the top of
the baffles. Half round or full round openings of not less than 1 inch radius also shall be
provided at the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions of the baffles. Each baffle shall also be
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