| ![]() MIL-T-62032H Access ladder. An access ladder or equivalent access steps, grabhandles and
grabrails shall be furnished, providing easy access to and from the catwalk. Ladders, steps,
handles and rails shall be functionally spaced and arranged for maximum safety of personnel
climbing up onto and down from the catwalk. All components shall be of stainless steel.
3.5.17 Skirting and hose tubes. Skirting down to the bottom of the underslung cabinets
shall be provided the full length of the body on both sides, across the rear of the vehicle to the
outside of the chassis frame rails, and across the front to the outside of the chassis frame rails.
At the rear, skirting shall be provided from the bottom contour of the tank down to the top of the
chassis frame rails. Cutouts for the wheels shall be rounded at the top on both ends. The radius
portion of the cutout shall be approximately 1.25 times the tire radius. When the width over the
tires exceeds the body width, rubber fenders around the wheelwells, extending to the outside of
the tires, shall be provided. The skirting shall house hose tubes for four 2.5 inch by 10-foot
suction hoses (see 3.5.23). The hose tubes shall be constructed of stainless steel. The hose tubes
may be incorporated into the tank subframe structure. The hose tubes shall be totally enclosed,
dustproof, and shall be equipped with hinged access doors with provisions for padlocking. If the
top surface of the skirting (cabinets) is relatively flat so it can be stepped on, the top surface of
the skirting shall be reinforced and covered with a special abrasive type of paint (ship's grip) for
use as a walkway. If the top surface of the skirting (cabinets) is relatively flat so it can be
stepped on, the top shall be free of hose tubes, piping, brackets, and other tripping hazards. The
skirting shall be constructed of not less than 16 gage (0.0598 inch) hot rolled mild steel. Type
304 stainless steel pads shall be provided at points of attachment of the skirting or skirting
reinforcements to the tank shell or heads and shall be continuously welded.
3.5.18 Fire extinguisher brackets. In conformance with paragraph 4-3.10 of
NFPA No. 407, brackets for two 20B fire extinguishers shall be furnished. The fire
extinguishers, to be installed upon receipt of the vehicle by the Government, will conform to
NFPA No. 10. Each mounting/carrying bracket shall be capable of easy and quick operation.
One fire extinguisher bracket shall be mounted vertically on each side of the truck. Protection
shall be provided from splashing of mud and water. A contrasting background color shall be
furnished behind the normal location of the fire extinguisher. The fire extinguishers, when
installed by the Government on the brackets furnished, shall be readily accessible to personnel
standing on the ground.
3.5.19 Underslung cabinets. Underslung cabinets shall be provided on both sides of the
vehicle extending from the front end of the tank to at least the rear wheelhousing. Cabinets shall
be constructed of not less than 16 gage (0.0598 inch) hot rolled mild steel. If the cabinets are
attached to the tank shell or heads, continuously welded type 304 stainless steel pads shall be
provided at all points of attachment. Each cabinet shall be of a full-flanged, flush type
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