| ![]() MIL-T-62032H
4.3.11 Exhaust gas test. The vehicle shall be tested to determine the concentration of
NOx, CO and SO2 in the cab after 8 hours of engine operation. The tests shall be in accordance
with TOP 2-2-614. The tests shall be conducted with the vehicle stationary, with all cab
windows and doors closed, with cab air intakes open, with all cab heaters operating at highest
output, and with the chassis engine operating at the manufacturer's recommended speed for the
power takeoff driven pump operation, 700 to 1000 rpm (see The test shall be repeated,
except with the heater off.
4.3.12 Two-compartment trucks. Each compartment of type II and IV first production
trucks shall be tested in accordance with 4.3.5 through
4.3.13 Element change. Filter/separator elements and contamination monitor elements
used during testing shall be replaced prior to shipment to the receiving activity.
4.3.14 Body treatment and painting. The certification regarding the body cleaning,
treating, prime painting and salt spray resistance testing, as required by MIL-STD-1223, shall be
made to Government representatives at the first vehicle inspection.
4.3.15 Catwalks and flashing. The catwalks and flashing on top of the vehicle and the
catwalk drain outlets shall be carefully inspected to ensure that spilled fuel cannot run toward the
exhaust and that water cannot enter the tank.
4.4 Test records. Contractor's records of all first production and production vehicle tests
and inspections, giving the results of the tests and inspections will be required in the contract.
The records shall be kept complete and available to the Government representatives. Test and
inspection records shall be signed and approved by a person specifically assigned by the
contractor. Contractors not having testing facilities satisfactory to the Government shall engage
the services of a commercial testing laboratory satisfactory to the Government.
4.5 Certification. The manufacturer's certificate of compliance to MC-306, as required
in 49 CFR, sections 178.340 and 178.341, shall be furnished, endorsed by the vehicle contractor
if different, and securely stowed and shipped with each truck together with instructions for the
recipient regarding the certificate's retention and use. The certificate shall bear, in addition to the
signatures specified above, the typed and signed name of the Government official accepting the
4.6 Availability of regulations. The contractor shall make available to the Government
at the point of final acceptance current copies of 49 CFR, sections 178.340 and 178.341, of
Specification MC-306; of NFPA No. 407; and of TOP 2-2-614. The documents shall be
surrendered to the Government for the personal use of the Government representatives in
conjunction with the contract for the duration of the contract.
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