| ![]() MIL-T-62110G
rotating the derrick with the vehicle up and down a 15 percent grade at all derrick positions and
loads listed in table III without any vehicle wheel leaving the ground and without permanent
deformation of any part.
3.3.6 Horizontal load. The turret and derrick shall be capable of rotating against a
horizontal load, at right angles to the derrick, of sufficient force to produce a torque of not less
than 21,000 foot-pounds for size 55 and 37,000 foot-pounds for size 70 without opening the
turret rotation hydraulic relief valves and without permanent deformation of any part. The turret
shall be provided with hydraulic relief valves preventing rotation against a horizontal load, at
right angles to the derrick, that would result in permanent deformation of any part.
3.3.7 Position holding ability. The turret and derrick assembly shall be capable of
remaining in a fixed position and of controlled lowering when the hydraulic motor is
de-energized. With the vehicle longitudinal on a 15 percent grade and the derrick transverse, the
turret and derrick shall hold, in all positions and load combinations specified in 3.3.4, without
more than 1 inch per hour horizontal creep and without more than 2 inches per hour vertical
settling, both measured at the centerline of the upper head sheave.
3.3.8 Performance with aerial basket(s). With the basket(s) loaded with twice the
payload specified in 3.7.3, the derrick shall perform as specified in 3.3.3 through 3.3.7 through
all positions it is capable of attaining without any wheel of the vehicle leaving the ground and
without the permanent deformation of any part.
3.4 Chassis components.
3.4.1 Engine. The engine furnished shall be the chassis manufacturer's standard or
optional engine for the commercial model vehicle which meets or exceeds the requirements of
this specification.
* Diesel engine. Unless otherwise specified (see, the vehicle shall be
equipped with a liquid cooled, compression ignition, two stroke or four stroke cycle diesel
engine, with not less than four cylinders. The engine net horsepower used in performance
prediction calculations shall be determined in accordance with SAE J1349. The engine shall
demonstrate the performance characteristics specified herein when using diesel fuel conforming
to VV-F-800. In addition, when specified (see 6.2), the engine shall operate satisfactorily on
grade JP-4 and grade JP-5 fuel conforming to MIL-T-5624 under emergency, short duration
conditions and on grade JP-8 fuel conforming to MIL-T-83133 under normal conditions. A
power loss when operating on JP-4, JP-5 or JP-8 is acceptable. A test report shall be available
showing that a representative engine of the same model has been tested and certified to meet the
requirements of NATO AEP-5 (400 hours dynamometer test to assure JP-8 compatibility.)
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