| ![]() MIL-T-62110G
brackets to the chassis frame rails, they shall be located within the area of the rail which is
designated as being safe for drilling in accordance with the chassis manufacturer's body builders
layouts. Attachments shall neither interfere with nor obstruct existing chassis components. Breaker strips. A hardwood or dense southern yellow pine breaker strip not
less than 0.75 inch in finished thickness shall be installed between the longitudinal sills of the
cabinet-floor assembly and the subframe. The minimum thickness specified shall be increased as
may be required to provide adequate tire chain-to-body clearance. Breaker strips shall have a
taper of not less than 0.50 inch in 16 to 18 inches at the forward end. Rigid mounting for cabinet-floor assembly. The cabinets and the loadspace floor,
as an assembly or independent of one another, shall be bolted to the full length subframe. The
full length subframe and the chassis frame shall be tied together in such a manner as to act as a
single member resisting bending and distortion of the cabinets. The section modulus of the full
length subframe and the chassis frame combined shall be not less than 70 inches cubed per frame
rail. A wood breaker strip conforming to shall be provided when the cabinets and the
loadspace floor are an integral assembly. When the cabinets are mounted independently of the
loadspace floor, wood or metal breaker strips shall be provided when needed to provide relief at
rivet heads, bolt heads, or other subframe irregularities.
3.5.6 Water cask. When specified (see 6.2), a standard, commercial, 5-gallon, insulated,
potable water cask shall be furnished. The inside liner shall be stainless steel or nontoxic poly
material. The outside shell shall be galvanized steel or equivalent. The throat area shall be of
sufficient area to permit cleaning of the interior of the water cask. A brass, chrome-plated, or
nylon spigot flush mounted to prevent damage shall be furnished. Lugs and bracket(s) shall be
provided to mount the cask (see Means shall be provided to retain the water cask and
to minimize vibration during road travel. Means shall be provided to drain excess water to the
ground. A paper cup dispenser shall be furnished and installed in the cabinet at a location
accessible to the water cask.
3.5.7 Telephone maintenance accessories. When a front mounted winch is specified, a
collapsible cable reel attachment for the front mounted winch is required by The cable
reel shall be provided with a carrier and shall be mounted in the loadspace.
3.5.8 Hydraulic driven generator. When specified (see 6.2), a hydraulic driven generator
shall be furnished. The generator shall have a power rating of 115 volts and 230 volts, single
phase, 3-wire, 60- Hertz, and shall produce not less than 3,500 watts continuous service capacity.
The generator and its circuitry shall conform to the requirements of NFPA-70. The generator
shall be secured on the left front of the loadspace floor.
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